κεφάλαιο έξι

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//chapter six//

The sun beamed through the window and then way quickly covered up

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The sun beamed through the window and then way quickly covered up. me still being half-sleep assumed I covered myself deep into my blanket.

*poke* *poke* *poke*

"oh my goddess I think she's dead," the first voice said in a panic

"Not dead just really tired" I mumbled still half-sleep. "Well wake up silly we have some things to do today and Robin wants to start your training later today"

I open my eye to see Sadie close to my face. My eyes widen right before I jumped back and tumbled off the bed. "Whoops, sorry liyah," She said running over to help me up. "Ebony washed your clothes from yesterday so you could at least wear something clean for today I hope you don't mind that we took them out your bag," She said grabbing the clothes off of the desk and setting them on the bed "Ill be in the kitchen when you're ready".

Once she was gone I put on clean clothes. I then walk into the bathroom where I brushed my hair and cared for all of my hygiene needs.

Waking into the kitchen Ebony and Sadie were at the table eating what seemed like lucky charms, Ian and Matthew were drinking coffee while eating toast and reading a huge ass book and Robin was nowhere to be seen. I grabbed a piece of toast off the glass plate and decided to spread some jelly on it. I then plop some eggs on my plate and joined the two girls at the table.

Ebony finished her bowl and pushed it forwards "So Aliyah Sadie and I were just talking and we decided to hit up the new mall an hour from here. It has everything we'll need like shoe places, clothing places, and even a salon that has great reviews."

"That sounds like a great idea girls" Matthew commented still sipping on his coffee."Don't forget you still have to get her a phone"

"I'm sure they have a place there" exclaimed Sadie

Ian closed to book and look towards us "Matthew and I will be taking the range rover for the day so you all will have to take the malibu so look out for the amount of room you guys use"

we all nodded as they both left the room but not before grabbing a set of keys that was hanging up.

Sadie and Ebony, mostly Sadie, hurried me up so we could go before all of the good sales were gone. we hit the main road that was not far off from the forest. Ebony decided to drive while Sadie picked the music for the long ride. Her music taste mainly consisted of pop music one of my favorites by far was a bad guy by some Eilish girl. We reached the mall in no time, basically due to Ebony speeding, But even when we arrived the parking lot was packed so we had to pay extra to park on a plot of land a little far from the entrance. Sadie said it will be good exercise but I don't think she realizes that we have to carry bags back.

"Ok so I wanna start with lululemon since they have a really good selection of workout and lounging clothes and then hit foreverluv for some regular clothes and lastly shoesRus" Sadie protested.

Like she said we started with lululemon. I ended up getting myself 5 pairs of leggings, 8 pairs of shorts since Sadie wanted to get every color, 2 pairs of joggers, and 4 sports bras in total I summed it up to be about 1500. Then we hit foreverluv where I picked up a lot of tank tops and tees, then 3 sundresses, 2 pairs of jeans, and some sleeping attire.

"As much as I would love to go look a shoes Sadie I need to eat, like now," Ebony said as Sadie inserted the black card into the machine "totally what about Pure"

"what the heck is that"

"The salad and bubble juice place we passed on our way up here" chirped Sadie "Their menu looked good and I've never had bubble juice before. What do you think Aliyah?"

"I mean we can eat there I don't mind" I smiled. I've never tried bubble juice before either so why not and salad sounded good too I guess. "Ok well go stand and line and mind links me when you get to the counter I'm going to run some of the bags to the car" ebony responded before taking more bags and walking towards the car.

"Ok well let's go before the line gets long," Sadie said dragging me all the way there. the line wasn't too long I actually wouldn't be surprised if she made it back here in time to order her food.

I was in fact right, she was back right when there were two orders ahead of us.

Ebony ended up ordering broccoli salad with a strawberry banana smoothie, Sadie a pasta salad with a Jasmine milk bubble tea, and I landed my eyes on the rainbow orzo salad with a mango tea bubble juice. After we ordered we sat at a table not too far from where we ordered our food and sat the number in the little stand. "Ok so after this all we have left is your shoes, your hair and makeup, and phone. Do you have any ideas of how you want to look" Ebony asked leaning on the table with both arms crossed over each other?

"No not really, I mean I've always wanted to cut my hair short I guess, and maybe go black but I don't think that would look good on me"

"Are you kidding me your skin is pale black hair always seems to go with pale skin? You have always had pale skin right?"


"And short hair is the way to go I never got how Sadie could keep up with her long hair. But besides that, we could always tell them to shape it to fit your face if that is also what you worried about" Ebony exclaimed

"Ok well, I guess it's settled short black hair it is" I laughed nervously still not sure how this would go. It's so weird how open they are with me ad I'm still somewhat of an awkward mess. We finished our food and headed to shoesRus where Sadie said the best sales are if you want to shop for less. I had to get fitted for my shoe size , Later we went through each aisle picking out shoes that would be useful for the time being. When it was time to pay I had 5 boxes of shoes by Nike, Adidas, croc, and vans plus 2 pairs of heels and 2 pairs of sandals. "Beauty shop time" Ebony and Sadie squealed fastly walking down the stairs and I slowly dragged behind them.

following them, I stopped in front of the bright hot pink sign that read 'Candi's bar'

Inside were people sitting and getting their hair done while either chatting with the person next to them, the person doing their hair, or watching tv. I walked up to Ebony and Sadie who were talking to a girl with a green Pixi cut.

"Ah this must be the girl you guys were talking about, hi nice to meet you I'm Sadie"

"And I'm Sadie"

"Gosh shut up Sadie let the girl talk" Ebony groaned hitting our Sadie on the shoulder "sorry"

the girl chuckled and motioned us over to her booth. "have a seat" she said while digging in her drawer and pulling out a baby pink cape which she later placed over me once I was fully seated.

"Ok so were going fully black and short correct," she asked as she tilted my head slowly in different directions. "yea, is there a way we can also make it permanent"

"I can see if we have some permanent wash or dye though we normally had to make it in advance at our old shop give me a sec while I go to the back," She said then rushing in the opposite direction then when we came in and around the corner. five minutes later she was back with a couple of bottles in hand "Ok so I found the permanent dye we use but i may have to mix it with some other stuff just to give you that perfect black to fit not only your skin tone but your eyes" She pointed out while setting everything she needed down on the little wall desk she had.

She turned me around to face the mirror and patted my shoulder

"Ok now let's get started"


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