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//Chapter fifteen//

//Chapter fifteen//

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'Dear goddess you don't have to yell I can hear you perfectly fine maybe it's you that couldn't hear me,' the soft voice said with a sassy tone "ok well I can hear you now but where are you"

'I'm your wolf silly long time no see...get it because you can't see me'

"You're hilarious... where have you been for the last couple of years why are you just now coming out," I asked but this time in my head... and a little quieter.

she sighed 'I truly promise I had the intent to come out the day of the dinner'

"But you didn't, you didn't even show up when I was of age to shift"

"But I was, it just wasn't time'

"what do you mean it wasn't time I needed you most while i was stuck at that horrible pack, also when my mother discarded me like I wasn't even her child, and when I was rejected by the man that I was supposed to spend the rest of my like with" I cried

'We were rejected' she whispered

I chuckled "what do you mean we, you weren't there"

'i was there you just needed time' she barked

"so, what stopped you," I asked sitting on the bed

'its called the Θλιβερή Γιανγκ prophecy'

"what does that mean," I asked not even knowing what she said 'it is the prophecy of yin and yang or in the werewolf world the black and white wolf most people don't know what it consists of due to it being stripped by the moon goddess lifetimes ago some, even the council, thinks it is a sin or a curse to our wolves but it's not its a blessing in disguise''

"ok but what does that have to do with our situation," I asked confused

'Well many years ago the mood goddess herself stripped the world of a book many older wolves know as the book of wisdom. this book held everything there is and was to know about our kind including two of the most powerful wolves set to be later created by her'

I stayed quiet for a while before asking her to continue.

'how it goes is that every a hundred years or so each group of the guardians is set to have a powerful leader but what people don't know is that exactly the 150th group of the guardians is supposed to carry the only ότι, the wolf who carries all powers positive, but can still be just as deadly as επειδή, the carrier of all dark powers if provoked'

rubbing a hand down my face I went on to ask "please don't tell me-"

'that you happen to be ότι'

"How is that even possible I don't come from a powerful family at all I mean, I don't think, hell i don't even know my father"

'Ah ah ah that's where your wrong but don't worry all things will be revealed as time goes but for now, just enjoy the simple fact that I'm happily in your life and you're stuck with me' she yipped hopping around

"ok whatever I'm hopping in the shower, do you have an off button or do you have to watch me shower"

'I mean if you're into that I could watch you but I would prefer not to, you have a body of a toddler but you know just with curves'

I rolled my eyes and pick up all of the stuff I had out.

She luckily didn't bother me the entire shower but I can only guess it was because she could feel I was still upset at her.

I could have saved all the beating and mistreatment if only she would have allowed me to shift when it was time. I felt so useless and alone. Of course, I always knew she was there and always thought it was the pack and the no motivation that was holding her back but now that I know she could have come out whenever it was kind of upsetting.

I looked down at the clock to see that it had just hit 11:23

"That's weird, my food was supposed to arrive hours ago," I said to myself walking to the door to check outside. When I didn't see a plate a checked down the hallway to see if anyone else received anything.

They did...

Already eaten trays sat outside of each one of their door waiting to be picked up.

I decided it would be best just to skip dinner, it was way too late to have someone make something and I'm sure it was an accident

An honest accident

Picking up my phone and key to my room i head out locking the door behind me.

Maybe he wouldn't mind seeing me a little early.

I walk down the long hallway back to where I entered the hall early. The huge foyer was being waxed by the people who worked here but when we first saw each other he came from the opposite wing.

"Maybe that's where I have to go? Uh excuse me" I yelled making all of the workers' lookup "is there a way I can make it over to the other wing without disturbing your hard work"

They looked at the hall I pointed to, looked at each other then back at me "that's the king's wing ma'am I don't think you can enter there"

"He asked me to meet him on the balcony of I'm guessing his wing. Listen I just really need to cross"

They all nodded before saying I could just walk across. I feel terrible but they planned to redo it who knows if I finish with the king in time I could help them.

When I get to the other side the halls change to this dark red slash black slash gold theme kinda edgy if you asked me.Walking deeper down the hall I see a door open and a dim light on. Hopefully, this is the room because I started walking towards it only to see the king reading a book to a small child.

"What happens next daddy," she said holding on to her stuffed frog



AN: Love y'all thanks for 6k reads


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