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//chapter five//

"So when you said you felt me a mile away does that mean that you have some sort of powers or ability to sense wolves better," I asked Ebony as all six of us walked in human form to their safe house

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"So when you said you felt me a mile away does that mean that you have some sort of powers or ability to sense wolves better," I asked Ebony as all six of us walked in human form to their safe house. "Well not just me we all do"

my eyebrow lifted in confusion this didn't go unnoticed by Matthew who was standing right next to me "Our powers are originally given to us by the king depending on how we do in training. Back then when my brother and I were the very first members we had to go through this trial named 'Magna Pugna' where the king judged your ability to withhold in a war when they came along and time passed our wolves became able to sense who belonged apart from those who don't. every time we found a member they return them to the Palace for the king's second judgment."

"The difference between us and you is that you seem a lot more powerful and our wolves feel the need to protect you" Ebony added. it was a lot to process and I could tell they were just telling me the basics. Right before it rained we reached a nice little cabin in front of a stream.

"This is our safe house, lets's give you a room and a tour before loading you with any more information" Ian insisted before unlocking the door and letting everyone in.

It was a well-decorated place. A deep purple and blue surrounded the place giving it a clear and stable feel. And though from the outside it looked incredibly small the inside begged to differ. it was huge, to be honest, I would love to know how they did it but then again curiosity killed the cat.

Robin starts by taking me to the back where all of the bedrooms were while the others started dinner. In all of the house that they had built, there was always six rooms each built the same size for fairness. My new room was the very first door on the left across from Sadies' room, it was pretty roomy and like the rest of the house well decorated and it even had a bathroom attached. Navy and teal painted the room and bathroom. it was way better than staying in an old leaking basement.

We then left the room and toured the somewhat small attic that held everything you need for exercising. Lastly, the basement being the hugest part of the house, which made sense since it was underground, was the place where they train their 'Powers'.

we circle back around into the kitchen where everyone else was.

"For tonight's special meal since we have found our sixth and final member I made my famous Bacon a spinach stuffed chicken," Matthew announced as Ian sat the big round dish as well as a bowl of salad in the center of the white marble island.

everyone filled their plates before rounding up at the table except for me since I wasn't sure if I was a part of this celebration.

One time my family held a birthday bash for my 18th birthday and I wasn't even invited to that, I was told to stay in the basement and be a good little girl, and then they would think about bringing me a small square of cake.

"Come on Grab a plate and sit we're all family so we sit as a family," Ian said interrupting my thoughts.

I shyly grab a plate and filled it up before joining them.

Matthew whipped his mouth with a napkin before speaking "Great now that we are all seated we need to talk about some things starting with your name"

I blushed to realize I forgot to tell them my name "Aliyah shaw"

"Oh that's such a pretty name" Sadie gushed before being shushed by the whole table "sorry"

"Nice to meet you Aliyah and you already know our names and reasoning for you being here we can gladly skip all of that bs and get to the real stuff. Starting with a change in look, we have to get you looking as healthy as possible before showing you to the king-"

"how long do you think that would take" I interrupted "I'm giving us a minimum of 11 months. That's is the amount of time we have till the king gives us our next set of missions which is a good thing we found you because he reported a few hours ago that we are to have our biggest one yet meaning we have to work fast." He assured

the whole table nodded in agreement

"Ian and I will do more research on how to awaken your wolf but for both human and wolf forms, Robin will be put in charge of your daily training adding things like using arrows, guns, and swords for now. Ebony And Sadie you guys are in charge of taking her out to finding some clothes as well as starting her on the the 5-month warrior diet, but tomorrow morning after breakfast I'm giving you guys a limit of $10,000 so please make it last over the next 5 months she will be losing a lot ofweight and getting in shape so I suggest starting with a little stuff for the time being"

"What do I do tomorrow while everyone is busy tomorrow," asked Robin making Ian shrug his shoulders "You either go with them or have the day off"

I heard him mutter great under his breath before biting into his food. The rest of the dinner consisted of all of us getting to know each other. they take turns telling me about each of their powers and what they are due to some of the fancy terminology.

-Ian has regeneration and precognition which is him being able to heal others and see early into the future but only when he has to deal with healing.

-Robin has remote viewing making him the best tracker in the world due to him being able to track people way farther than any werewolf can

-Ebony has Aerona and Empath meaning she can detect illnesses and feel the emotions and auras of others, which explains how she found me I guess

-Matthew has mentis imperium which means he can control minds

-Lastly, Sadie who has Procidat deception potentates which is an overly fancy way to say she can create illusions that make for great distractions.

"Ok so if you all have powers will I guarantee to have one too"

"or more," Ian said "Depending on how serious you take the training and what the moon goddess choose you to be worthy for"

It started to get dark outside so we all decided to go to sleep early since we had a long day ahead of us. Ebony handed me a pair of her old baggy shorts and one of Robin's old power ranger shirts that she said she stole a year ago. I quickly thank her before disappearing into my new room for the night.

my first stop

the bathroom

another thing to be grateful for is having cold and hot water. I took the opportunity to use both and add in some rose-smelling bubbles and a bar of soap that were sitting in a basket labeled bath/shower supplies. Then after soaking in the bath and rinsing down my hair I step out and wrap my hair in a fresh towel so I could brush my teeth and wash any dirt off my face. Lastly, I proceeded to take down my wrapped hair and start to dry as well as comb it out until it was dry enough for me to lay down on my pillow.

I threw on my clothes after cleaning up after myself and walked into the bedroom.

I saw that in front of the gigantic bed there was a flat-screen tv mounted with a remote in front of it sitting on the white dresser. I take this remote and scroll through the channels while sitting deep in my bed. I finally stopped when I reached a movie channel.

After a few minutes, I slowly started to fall into a deep sleep

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