Chapter 11

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Heyy sis.! Aomori smiled hugging me.

Hi hunny.! I smiled hugging my big brother back.

What's up what you wanted to talk about?


What about her.? I still wanna beat her ass and kill her. It's the principle about the whole thing she even though she was stealing them from me to give to you it's still the fact that she stole now what if I didn't work for you see what I'm saying.?

Yeah I get your point.! But truth be told bro I was just hoping that you would of kilt her.


Martavion cheated on me with her long story short she shot my house up.

What the hell? Y'all good?

No.! A bullet hit the gas line In the stove and blue the house up. She shot the house up while me and the kids and Martavion was in it.

And what the fuck he do.!

Honestly dude he ain't did shit.....

He hasn't kilt her yet? What he waiting on? He in love with her or something?

I swear I think so.! Bro like I can't wrap my mind around why the fuck he wanna cheat on me.! I'm the shit I gave this nigga three kids.! I helped this nigga build a fuckin empire.!

Sis sometimes it ain't about what you can do for a nigga or really about how you can make him feel. Niggas do shit cause they niggas.! You know that man loves you. I just came in your life 7 years ago and I know for a fact that man loves you and it can't be that he fell for another woman......I done seen this nigga push some of the coldest joints away I done seen famous bitches pull up on him and he dub they shit. Niggas think with they dicks instead of their heads sis this my boy first fuck up cut him some slack. What he saying about the situation how he acting.?

We haven't spoken in like a week......I filed for divorce and we had our first court date last week.

Mag you filled for divorce? Damn! That's deep dude

Yeah I did but he's not signing the passers and the judge is making us go to counseling. I don't wanna do that shit! I just wanna let the man go I'm hurt bro.

I know you is Mag but a divorce though what about the kids.

He can see the kids whenever he wants but I'm not gone stand for being cheated on. You do it once you'll do it twice.! That's just teaching a nigga how he can treat you.!

Yeah but he loves you. I'm not taking up for him at all believe me cause cheating is unacceptable, but I already know that nigga not gone let you go without a fight.

He's just gonna be fighting Aomori.! I said getting up. Vanessa walked into the house and I ran to hug her.

Hi baby.!! She sang excitedly.

Hi mommy.! I smiled hard.

No what's the emergency I rushed here all the way from Paris you sounded so sad last week on the phone. She said hugging me as we walked back to the couch.

I'm fine really I am.! I said forcing a smile on my face.

Now Magic.! You can tell moma whatever it is. Are you okay seriously.? You know I can tell when somethings wrong by now.

Her asking me was I okay felt like a bolder hitting me. My lip began to quiver as my eyes filled with tears. I wiped the tears out my eyes slowly not to mess my lashes up. "He cheated on me.!!" I blurted out and it was like all my emotions came out at once. I couldn't stop crying. Vanessa pulled me into cradle me and hold me as I cried. I never wanted to feel like this in my life ever. I was so heart broken and I felt like my world was crashing. I loveeeeee my husband to death and I just wanna be with him but what he seen In her he ain't see in me.?

A Couple Days Later:

Hi Mrs Jackson, I'm Dr Parker I specialize in couple's marriages that are on the verge of divorce. The lady said greeting us as we walked into her office.


Hi Mr Jackson, how are you.? She asked as we sat down on the couch in front of us.

I'm straight. Martavion said with an attitude sitting back next to me. We haven't spoken in a week, since the mediation over the phone actually.

Okay so let's just get started. So tell me about your relationship guys. Magic would you like to go first?

Me and Martavion where Bestfriends we eventually started dating in high school......we where high school sweethearts. I ran away and eventually we got back together through a mutual friend. We have a beautiful daughter together and got married shortly after that we had a set of twins. We been together and for what I thought we was in love.

Mr Jackson would you like to add to that?

Naw that's basically the run down......I been in love with my wife since the day we met as kids.

So what's driving the wedge between you two?

He cheated.!

I see.! And how does that make you feel Mrs Jackson?

It makes me feel like I'm not good enough.! Like he isn't in love with me.! Like I don't matter, like nothing we built together fuckin matters. Like there's no love here.!

Baby you know I love you.! You are a wonderful fit for me and you know this. I fucked up I can admit that but baby it was a mistake.

Okay we are making progress now.! Mr Jackson how do you feel about her wanting a divorce.

Everybody fucks up and I mean everybody.! This was the first and last time I ever did anything and she ready to just throw our whole marriage away over this shit.

Martavion a bitch shot our house up while our kids was in it.!!!!!! I yelled turning to him.

And I fuckin handled it Magic.! He yelled back.

No you didn't.! Nooooo she's still walking around this earth.

Magic I can't just kill somebody in broad day light.....

What did she have that I didn't.?

Nothing!: she don't have shit.! I was horny and you was gone.!  That's it Magic I'm not in love with that bitch I didn't love that bitch I was drunk and horny and I'm not making excuses on why I did but that's the god honest truth bae.

You couldn't use your hand.? You couldn't just FaceTime me?

I could of and I'm sorry that I didn't think like that because I wasn't thinking I just wanted to fuck......

Mrs Jackson would you consider giving your husband another chance it sounds like he is really sincere about what happened.

No.! I'm standing on my decision. You give a muthafucka a inch and he takes a mile. You do it once and take him back he'll do it again.

That's not always true.! I grew up with you baby if I was gone cheat I would have cheated along time ago. I even told you about this shit!

You told me about it because of the situation you put us in. You had no choice but to tell me.!

I'm fuckin sorry okay Magic I don't know what the fuck you want me to say!

Nothing there's nothing to say.!

Now Mrs Jackson do you love your husband?

With all my heart.! I wiped my tears.

I want you guys to go on a date tonight or sometime this week and remember why you guys fell in love with each other. A day or night NO kids just you two. And I want you two to write some pros and cons on why you love each other and why you should or shouldn't be together. And I'll see you by next week.! Doctor Parker said. I grabbed some tissues and fixed my face.

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