Chapter 22

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Can I talk to you.?! I asked Martavion walking up to him. He was surrounded by a bunch of females sitting on a table.

What's up.?! He asked laughing.


I'm kinda busy Mag can it wait.?! I nodded my head and turned to walk away. I left out the cafeteria and made my way downstairs to the computer lab. It was empty so I took a seat in the car back. I put my head in my arms and cried. I was feeling so empty inside and the only person I could trust was blowing me off. I kept having anxiety and panic attacks after another. My thoughts where running wild in my head.

Are you okay.? A male voice asked me. I wiped my tears and he walked over to me. "Magic you good.??" Carter asked sitting next to me really concerned.

Yeah I'm fine.! I said wiping my face.

You sure.?! He grabbed the tissue of the desk and gave me some. I wiped my eyes and he hugged me which made me started crying again. "I'm here for you if you wanna talk Mag.!" He said comforting me. "You know I don't know what's going on or what's new in your life but I am here to talk if you ever need to.!"

Thank you.! I said with a sly smile wiping my face.

Cheer up.! Your to beautiful to be crying.

Me and Carter sat in the computer lab for the last two periods. Even though it seemed like it went by fast I enjoyed his company. We didn't even say much to each other but I caught him looking at me and smiling a couple times. We walked with each other outside and he gave me a small hug.

I got in my car and just sat here. I didn't know where I was gonna go but I was too scared to go home right now. I don't care what my mama thought about me sneaking Martavion in or me having sex.....I'm shaking just thinking about Corey and him being there and him touching me last night.....

I wanted to cry again but It was so many people out here and my windows wasn't that tinted. I noticed Martavion walking to his car. He didn't park in his usual spot by me. He was standing there with his door open. Some girl came up to him wrapping her arms around his waist looking up at him. I felt like my heart was breaking. I got out the car and went over to them.


What Mag.?!

What are you doing.? The girl let go of him and stood there with an attitude.

You broke up with didn't wanna take me back...

I said we could work things out and move slow.!

Well that's just equivalent to i don't wanna be with you. And i really don't have time to here you bitch.! He said before turning his back on me.

Glad to know how you feel Martavion.! I said angrily before getting in my truck. I got in and pulled off. I went home and my mom was there. Corey wasn't no where in sight so I hurried up and went in.

Ma can I talk to you.? I questioned as she looked up at me. She was sitting on the couch smoking a cigarette. She only smoked when she was stressed.

Magic whatever you got to say I don't wanna hear it.! She said pissed off.

What.?! I asked interrupting her.

You heard what the fuck I just said Magic!. Matter fact get your shit and get out.! She yelled.

Mom what.?! Why.?!

You think you so fuckin cute. Bouncing around here in them little tight ass fucking shorts and sports bras, knowing damn well my man living here now. Walking around with ya pussy out.

What the fuck are you talking about.?!

You know what the fuck I'm talking about Magic.! Corey told me how you came on to him last night. Forcing him to touch in places walking around the house naked trying to seduce him.! She said angrily standing up. I was so shocked and surprised and hurt right now.

I would never do that to you mom.! He tried to rape me last night.!

Don't you fuckin dare do that Magic.! He did no such thing you mad that damn boy broke up with you so you gonna take that shit out on my man I should beat the fuck out you.! That's how you got all that designer shit by fucking that boy.! Yo hoe ass just fuck your way right into the next man huh.?! You dirty little slut.! She yelled.

You didn't believe me when I was 11 and I told you your brother was touching me. You didn't believe me when I said he was sneaking in to my room at night and taking pictures of me. So why would I think you would believe me now.! I said bluntly.

Don't you dare lie on my brother.! She said smacking me. "Get your shit and get the fuck out.!" She screamed. I backed up before I put my hands on her and left out the door. I got in my truck balling my eyes out. I was extremely hurt.

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