Chapter 28

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Ma.! I yelled coming into the house. "Va'Lissa.!" I yelled again and she came out her room.

You lost yo ever lasting mind calling me by my name.!? She asked rolling her neck and putting her hands on her hips.

I honestly have every right to be calling you by your first name...... wait where is Corey.?

Home why.?

You plan on moving him in here.? I asked folding my arms.

Why.? We do have plans on that...?!

Well don't.! Until I leave which is gonna be soon.

Magic this is my house I do what the fuck I want you wanna watch your mouth young lady.?

Va'Lissa who is Vanessa.? I asked standing with my arms folded pissed off. Her facial expression changed like she seen a ghost.

Why.? Has she contacted you.?

No I contacted her...

Why Magic.?! Whatever that lady says is a lie.! She said shaking sitting on the couch. She was shock up about hearing that name.

Actually I know everything is the truth....y'all was Bestfriends and you stole me from her. She's my real birth mom.! How could you do that.? What possessed you to steal your bestfriend child.?!

She had everything okay.! And I mean everything.!! She already had two boys and I lost my baby girl and where like my second chance.!

BUT I WAS NOT YOURS.! YOU ARE NOT MY MOTHER.! Your the same bitch that's going to try and make me a baby farm in the next couple of years after Corey beats yo ass damn near to death. I'm moving to dads and I want you to stay far the fuck away from me or I'm pressing charges against you. And yes Vanessa knows everything.! I yelled dropping my stuff and running upstairs.

You can't do this Magic.! She yelled after me. She hit me in the head with her bat at the bottom of the stairs. I fell to the ground.

I woke up and my head was in pain. I looked over at the time and it was 8:30pm. Nothing looked familiar to me. Martavion walked into the room smiling.

About time you woke up.! He said putting on a shirt. We was back at our apartment. Everything was how I left it. I was literally just a teenager. What the fuck is going on.?

I looked at the date and it was October 12th....

You okay baby.? Martavion asked sitting on the bench at the end of our bed.

We have kids right.?

Uhhh yeah and soon to be 5.?!

Majesty, Micah, and Machi.?

Yeah unless you went to sleep and renamed them. I got up and went to the bathroom examining myself. I was back to normal. My adult self. "Mag are you okay.!!?"

Baby I just had the weirdest realistic ass dream ever.!

What was it about.?!

I swear it was like I went to sleep woke up as a teenager it was like I literally dreamed our whole entire life together from teens until now as adults. We wasn't even together yet....I confronted my mom about Vanessa and she hit me in the head with a bat than I woke up and it's like I snapped back to reality and now I'm back here. I feel like I'm going crazy honestly. And the most weird part about it is my head is killing me. It really feels like somebody hit me upside my head with a bat.

Well you do have a knot right here in the back of your head. That's weird. Come lay down. Didn't you have crazy dreams when you was pregnant with Majesty.

Yeah but baby these didn't seem like dreams I swear everything felt so real.

Maybe your just having Deja Vu dreams. My grandmother once told me that. God sends signals in memories inside of dreams to send a message. Or someone is trying to send a message to you.!

I guess....this is weird.! Where are the kids.

Sleep.! I cooked well ordered hungry.?

No can you make me some tea though?

Yeah.! I got you, don't worry it's probably just nothing and just a dream.! He said before kissing my forehead.

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