Chaoter 60

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Mommy I don't wanna have surgery.! Majesty wined.

You have to if you wanna feel better. I'll be right back in literally going to the bathroom okay.! I said getting up. I had to go so bad. I walked down the hall and passed a really handsome doctor. He had his head covered and mouth and nose but his eyes was so beautiful. I went in the bathroom and hurried up and used it. I washed my hands and left out.

Hi Majesty.! I heard a male voice in her room.

Why do you look like my daddy.?! Majesty giggled. "But my daddy had dreads you don't.!"

I do.? I guess your daddy was a very good looking man huh.?

Yup and my mommy loved him a lot.!

I bet.! Did you know he loves you a lot.?

Yeah.! He gave my mommy this necklace and she told me whenever I miss him to just hold on to it and he's always with me.

That's true.....he sent me to check on you. I'm Dr Jackson.!

You knew my daddy.?! That's my last name.! She laughed.

Yeah I knew him.?! He and I was friends he was a super cool guy.! Sooo you must know that Jackson's are strong right.? We are unbeatable.! So that means when you go into surgery you have to be so strong okay.!

Yes.! I will be.!

Can I have a hug.?

Yeah.! She jumped in his arms and hugged him tight. I wiped my tears.

Mommy.! Majesty smiled when she seen me. "This is Dr Jackson he knew daddy.!"

I know baby.! He's a friend.! I said with a smile.

He said I have to be strong in surgery and I am.!

I know cause your a brave girl.! Martavion got up and walked towards me smiling. "What the fuck are you doing here.?!" I asked low enough but for him to hear me.

I told you I'm here but I'm not here.! She needs me right now. I'll leave after the surgery is over.! A team of nurses came in to get situated to sedate her. Martavion held her hand as they stuck her with a needle. She was being such a big girl. He sat with her reading her favorite book until she knocked out.

He than left with the team of nurses and drs and I'm guessing went up to the OR with them. I was a nervous wreck. I texted Malachi and Lani and the rest of the family that she went into surgery. Malachi said he was on his way back up here and Malike was too.

Malike couldn't find out about Martavion so I was gonna have to try and put him off for a while.

I sat down shaking as hours went by. Malachi sat in the chair across the room on his phone. They said that the surgery only takes an hour.

Martavion came walking back in the room. Me and Malachi both stood up at once. She's fine surgery went well.! She's just in recovery they are about to bring her back down. Ima head out.

Thanks bro.! Malachi said hugging him.

Thank you for being there for her this shit means a lot to me.

You know I got you.

Malike came in the room with a donut. The smell made me run to the bathroom. I started throwing up. "You okay.?!" Martavion asked taking his mask off. I nodded my head yeah and got up.

The smell of donuts and that coffee just made me sick.

You only get sick from smells when your pregnant....are you?

Martavion I don't know nor do I care cause I don't wanna it.! I said bluntly. "I already have three kids to raise by myself I don't wanna add another. You should of seen the way Lani looked at me earlier and how she just judged me and didn't even know.!"

He took a deep breath and wiped his face. "I know this isn't the best situation right now to be in but can you promise me to think before you do anything if you are.?!"

If I am and I make my mind up to get an abortion I gotta wait months to see you again and tell you.? Or go through an entire pregnancy alone and have a baby by myself.? Last time I was pregnant I was shot in the side and lost both my kids what if I can't even hold them and I lose them how am I suppose to go through that trauma alone.?!

Magic you good.? Malike asked knocking on the door.

Yeah I'll be out in a minute.! I said wiping my face. "If I am I'm getting an abortion....."

I respect your decisions....

Bye Martavion.! I walked out the bathroom wiping my tears as I walked back down the hall. Martavion stood there watching me walk away before he disappeared into the crowd of doctors.

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