Chapter 61

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2 months later.....

My stomach was getting round and I was trying everything to hide it. My Abortion was scheduled for today and my heart felt so heavy but I knew I had to do this. I dropped my kids off at school and went to the doctors.

I signed in on the log in sheet and the nurse came and took my vitals and height and weight check than took me back to the waiting room. It was a young girl in here probably about 16 pregnant as the fawk popping her gum and reading a magazine! I would tear Majesty a whole new ass hole.! Another lady sat across from me she was so jittery. And another lady sat with her husband hand and hand as he rubbed her stomach.

I wanted to buss out crying because I was really about to do this alone.! Every single pregnancy I had Martavions been there for me. From the cramps, to back pains, sleepless night, late night food runs, emotional changes in the matter of seconds, stomach rubs, always made sure I was comfortable. This baby won't even get the chance to meet its father.

Magic Jackson.! A nurse called out. My heart started fluttering and I got super hot and my palms got sweaty as hell. "Magic.? She asked again looking at me." I swallowed hard and got up.


Hey Magic.? My mom smiled greeting me coming in the house.

Hey.! I said dryly.

What's wrong.?

Nothing I just don't feel good I been having a rough day.

I know what you mean. You want me to make you anything.?

No I'm not hungry.....can I ask you a question?

Go ahead baby.! She said as she unbagged the groceries.

If you had a secret that you knew would hurt everybody or everybody would judge you. What would you do in that situation.?

It depends on what the situation is.

I have this friend she's pregnant and she's having a hard time accepting the fact she's pregnant but can't get rid of it either.!

You....or a friend?


Let's be serious here Magic I'm your mother....I won't judge you....

Okay it's me.! I had an appointment today to get an abortion and when they called my name I freaked out an ran.

How did that happen.? Who's the father....

You'll never believe me.!

Is it that cute boy from your high school what you said his name was...Corey or something like that.?!

No.! Hell No.! It's Martavions.

He's been dead for almost 8 months Mag are you sure you aren't having a nervous breakdown.?!

Ma no.! We umm...froze his seman at a bank in New York a couple months before he died in case we had wanted more kids after the twins i was pregnant with....the bank called and told me that I would have to come in and get insinuated or they would be destroyed because they was being closed down. So I went and got insinuated....I didn't think the shit was gone work.! I'm 10 weeks and I just don't want nobody judging me think I don't care about Martavion and how could I be pregnant and what If they think I'm a liar or something?

All you have to do is tell the truth but if your not ready than baby your secrets safe with me.!

Thanks mommy.! She gave me a hug and I grabbed my phone and sat at the other end of the island.

Do you wanna have the baby.?

I do but I'm scared.....Martavion has always been here for every single pregnancy and this ones is different. Last time I was pregnant I was shot and my kids where kilt too.

Well let's not dwell on the past Magic. Obviously the was a reason God gave you this baby.

What for? To add more shit to my mess of a life.?

Babies are blessings.! They might not come whenever you wanted them to if you wanted them or not but babies are blessings.! God did this for a reason. Let's be happy and thankful that he did. He knows how much you miss Martavion made it's just his way of giving you a piece of him back.

I guess.!

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