Chapter 46

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You got it baby.? I asked him as he got out the car.

Mag I'm good bae.! He said with laughter in his voice.

I was out of breath so I sat back down in the car. I grabbed my slushee sitting it on my stomach I was so tired all I wanted to do was sleep. I spent everyday for the past week in that hospital never ever leaving his side for anything. I didn't get any sleep there.

Come on fat ass.! He yelled standing on the stairs. He was doing so good for a nigga who just got shot twice.

I got out the car closing and locking the doors walking to the stairs behind him. He opened the doors and I was taken back by the people who was here. Everybody yelled "surprise welcome home.!" As he walked through the doors. He was so shocked and surprised. I was even surprised I had no idea of any of this was going on.

Hi baby.! His mother smiled coming over to hug and kiss him. I was so happy all his family was so happy to be surrounding him with love and prayer.

I took his stuff from him and took it upstairs to our room. My phone layed in the middle of the floor dead with our bloody clothes. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with them. Do I toss them because he's still alive.....or do I keep them as a reminder of what I lost. It made me tear up because A week ago this was all I had left of him. A week ago this was his only blood left. A week ago I couldn't breathe without this. A week ago I didn't even feel alive.

You can toss those.! He said from behind me taking them out my hand. It's like he could read my mind.

You sure.?!!

Yeah.....I'm still here baby I'm not going any where.! He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

I love you.!

I love you to baby girl.! He let me go and I went into the bathroom I turned the hot water on to shower. I wanted a bath but if I sat down I wasn't gonna get up. I showered than got out. I wrapped myself in a towel and sat on the bed. I missed our bed. It's so comfortable. I laid back and grabbed a pillow closing my eyes. I was so tired I was just going to rest my eyes for 5 minutes. That's it that's all I needed was 5 minutes.

Magic.! Magic.! I heard my name being called. I jumped up out my sleep and two people where in my face. I waited until my eyes adjusted to sit up. It was Lani and Bella my dula.

Hi sleepy head.! She smiled sitting on the bed.

Hi I'm so sorry.! I said covering myself with the blanket.

No honey your fine. Your pregnant I understand your tired all the time I get it. And Lani was just telling me the stress you was going through last week so I came a little early today if that's okay.?!

Yeah it's fine thank you. I looked over at the clock and it was 5pm. I can't believe I had slept so long.

How are you feeling.?

I'm okay I'm just so tired. I think I was having Braxton Hicks last week.

You probably where. How far apart was they.?

They where very inconsistent. Any where from like 10-25 minutes apart.

Oh wow that's good. How did you handle them.?

They wasn't that bad I just had to keep telling myself to breath through them.

Yes so when your body is in active labor. Holding your breath can sometimes stop the body of pushing the baby out so always remember to breath through them. Now you only have 3 weeks left. Are you still on the water birth.?

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