Chapter 20

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I'd like to file a missing persons report.! I said shyly as I was next in line at the window.

And who's the missing person.?

Me.! She stopped writing and looked up at me with twisted lips.

Have a seat and a detective will be right with you. She said pointing to the chairs in the corner. I nodded my head and went and sat down in the chairs. My head was spinning and my stomach was aching. I didn't know what to think or expect. It's been 21 years was my real family ever even looking for me.? What if all this wasn't even true.! My dad didn't take this so well when I told him everything that was happening to me these past couple months. He was trying to fly here to come get me and make sure I was okay but he had a heart attack. He's okay though. He calls me a bunch of times a day and won't be happy until I'm back home.

Hi your  filing the missing person report.? A lady asked coming out and walking over to me.


Follow me.! She said opening the doors and I got up and followed her to the back. She led me into a room where another detective was.

I'm Detective James and this is Detective Benson.! So you believe your a missing person.? What's your name.?!

My name is Magic Clarke......I was recently umm kidnapped by the person that was suppose to be my mother.! That's when she told me she wasn't my mother actually.....

And what last her name.?

Valissa.....Valissa Clarke.! She had a bestfriend by the name of Veronica....she said they was Bestfriends and she took me away from my birth mother when I was two days old because she was sick of my mother rubbing it in her face that she was having a daughter after she had a miscarriage. Look I don't know if any of this is true I'm just going off of what she told me.!

How long where you kidnapped.?

About 3 almost 4 months.! I have hospital papers confirming my rapes.....

Where is she now.?

I don't know. Her and her boyfriend got into an argument and she forgot the lock on the door. That's how I got out..... when I didn't hear her or him come back for a day I made my move and got out the house. I ended up in the hospital and got in contact with an old friend which is who I'm staying with. 

What hospital was that at.?

Saint Joes of Mary's. I was just released two days ago.

During your whole life you lived with her there wasn't anything out of the ordinary.?

When I left to live with my father and he tried to get me in school it was a hold up of getting my birth certificate. Something by them not having my records on file that I was born here in Texas or by the name Magic Clarke.

Where did you move to with your dad?.

Cali.....LA area.! She said my dad had no idea of anything because he was deployed and her miscarriage happened the same time my real mom gave birth so everything with me as a baby still added up.

Where was you suppose to be born.?

In New York of 1998.!

I promise we'll look into this for you. We will catch her and bring her in for questioning. Don't tip her off or anything that you talked to us. She'll only go on a run.

Oh I don't think she'll be running any where.!

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