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Hello everybody! I hope you enjoy this much awaited chapter. Also, if you see two notifications for this chapter, that's because I accidentally published the chapter before I finished it... I deleted it though so it's fineeee. Also some of the information that I put in this chapter about the masks might not be true since I'm just a fanfiction writer and not a scientist (chemist?). Anyways, this chapter is words 1550 long. I hope you enjoy!

The plan was fairly simple. All they really needed to do was configure the gas bomb to explode with the anesthetics when the desk drawer was pulled open. Honestly, it was easier said than done. Luckily, Kimora once pulled a prank on one of his teachers when he was younger the exact same way except he used a glitter bomb instead of a gas bomb. It was the same concept though. After a few stressful minutes, Kimora got up from front of the desk with a huge smile on his face. The rest of the class knew that he had succeeded in planting the bomb even before he threw his hands up in the air and haughtily proclaimed that he was the best.

The class knew that the top drawer of the teacher's desk was the best placement for the bomb since they could guarantee that he would open that drawer. Nagisa-sensei always kept extra supplies such as pens, pencils, rulers and highlighters in that drawer so if one of them asked for some supplies, their teacher would be forced to open the drawer, therefore prompting the bomb to blow up.

The actually gas was very opaque. It wasn't damaging to the eyes in any way but it was as clear as fog, which roughly translates to it wasn't clear at all. Some of the students were disappointed that it wasn't clear since they wanted their teacher to see their triumphant faces right before he passed out. In the end, the students realized that it was actually better that Nagisa-sensei wouldn't see them since if he were able to see them, it would disclose their method of not breathing in the anesthetic gas.

Their plan was perfect. They saw nothing that could go wrong. How could they have known that Nagisa-sensei was always prepared?

— + — ~ — + —

"Hey Yamazaki, can I talk to you?" Yamazaki heard a voice behind her say. She turned around and located where the voice had come from. Hayashida was behind her, looking nervous. Yamazaki smiled, trying to confort the girl a little. It did kind of work.

"Yeah sure, what do you want to talk about?" Yamazaki asked as he made eye content with the the brown eyed girl. Some of the worry left her eyes as she opened her mouth to speak. Yamazaki waited patiently for the words to leave her mouth.

"Um... If we succeed, is everybody going to leave the school early?" Hayashida questioned. Yamazaki could now see why she was a little nervous. The thought had crossed her own mind once or twice already. At the start of the year, Yamazaki would do anything for the chance to not go to school again. It was different now. Classes weren't boring and studying was bearable unlike before, but the biggest change was Nagisa. He was the best teacher she could have ever asked for. He made the class feel like a family of some sort.

"Well I don't know about everybody, but I'm sure as hell not going anywhere. I mean if we succeed- scratch that- when we succeed," She said confidently," I'm still going to stay at this school. We are probably never going to get such a great teacher and he actually makes me want to learn instead of wasting my life on slacking off." Yamazaki said with reassurance. Hayashida's nervousness washed away.

"Me too."

— + — ~ — + —

"What! Why do I have to stay behind!" Kure yelled at her classmates. The were one hour early to class. They had decided to come early since they needed to plant the gas bomb before their teacher came to class. They really didn't know when he normally showed up since they almost never arrive before him. They decided to come an hour early just in case.

"Because you are the only person other than Matsuo that likes to hold Satan. Most of us are pretty scared. We know Matsuo can't hold her so you're the best person for the job." Kimora explained to the white haired girl. Kure was not happy about this.

He was right though. Kure was the best person to take Satan outside of class while the assassination was in motion. Satan was a snake. The kind of gas that they were going to release, though not fatal to a human, could probably take out a smaller animal like Satan. The class wasn't sure if it was actually lethal to reptiles but they definitely weren't going to take that risk. Even though she wasn't happy about this plan, she relented.

"Fine. But you have to give me credit. I helped so when the attempt is turns out to be a success, I get to be leave too." Kure demanded even though she didn't really want to leave.

"Deal." Kimora said as Kure carefully picked up the snake and carried her out of the class room. At least Kure and Satan could have some girl time, am I right?

— + — ~ — + —

The gas rose up and covered Nagisa-sensei, blocking their vision of him. Adrenaline was racing through their veins as maniacal smiles worked their ways onto their previously nervous faces. They students couldn't help but smile. It was a glorious moment really, seeing the teacher stop mid-sentence with surprise written on his face, the realization that his students had won.

The students quickly reached into their pockets and each pulled out a mask to place over their smiles. They were just dentil masks that Koda had stolen from a dentist appointment that took place a few days prier. They placed the masks on their faces to block out the fumes.

Matsuo took the fake snake off of his neck and placed it on his chair. Since they couldn't risk having a snake in the classroom and Nagisa-sensei would be suspicious if Satan wasn't in the class, Matsuo brought a fake snake off of Amazon. The fake wasn't even made out of snake skin and it looked very realistic.

The students started to cheer. They had won! They defeated their teacher even though he was insanely hard to beat. It was almost too good to be true. Scratch that, it was too good be true. They should have known.

After a few moments, the students decided that they needed to vent out the gas since they couldn't rely on their masks forever. Aiki went to the closest window to the front of the class and opened it. Some of the students started to do the same with other windows. Only three windows had been open when they noticed the figure standing at the teacher's desk.

— + — ~ — + —

"If I can't see you, you can't see me."

It was a thing that little kids said when they were young. Nagisa remembered that Sakura once said that when he was playing hide and seek with her when she was younger. Of course, it wasn't true. Nagisa could see her perfectly since all she did was put her hands over her eyes. He played along though, pretending that he couldn't see her until she peeked in between her fingers.

The phrase "if i can't see you, you can't see me", only applies when your body is fully covered, concealed by something, not when you only have your eyes covered like Sakura.

Luckily for Nagisa, he had his body completely covered by the gas.

Luckily for Nagisa, he had already experienced this dilemma.

Not directly, but he had witnessed a very similar thing happen to Karma. It wasn't exactly the same, but it was close.

When Karma fought the professional assassin Grip, the assassin had detonated a gas bomb right in Nagisa's boyfriend's face. Karma help his breath until Grip was off guard and detonated an identical gas bomb in his face. Of course Karma had the same idea as a professional assassin when he was only in junior high. Nagisa didn't expect anything less. 

After that incident, Nagisa started to carry a handkerchief with him every where he went, along with a thumb tack. You never know when you need to stab someone in the neck with a sharp but small object that could easily go unnoticed and that probably wouldn't kill anyone. Nagisa wasn't sure if that probably wouldn't is actually a would since the teacher hadn't had the chance to test it out yet.

Nagisa held his breath until the smoke covered him completely, and the he took out the handkerchief and placed it over his mouth as he heard a cheer. He smiled at how good their plan was. It would have worked if the fight between Grip and Karma never happened and that was definitely something to be proud of. 

Nagisa almost felt guilty when he saw their faces drop as they realized that they hadn't succeeded at all. 

Nagisa-SenseiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora