Not a sub anymore

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Hello everybody! I hope you all had a happy thanksgiving (if you celebrate it)! I was actually going to make a make a thanksgiving special but then I realized that japan doesn't celebrate it. Anyways, I'm not sure if i'm going to make next week's chapter about the sub since I don't really have a good idea of who it could be. I might make it Manami Okuda since we already established that she was a teacher at the school but I don't think I could write a whole chapter about her being a sub. If anybody has any suggestions, that would be great! Also don't request Karma because I kind of have an idea involving Karma for when the three days are over. I Normally start writing the chapters on Tuesday so please try to put your suggestions before then. This chapter was words 1100 long. Hope you enjoy!

Nagisa was fidgeting with his hands as he tried to maintain his composure though he could barely sit still. Nagisa looked around the room that somehow seemed so familiar and foreign at the same time. The room seemed foreign because even though the bluenette had been in this exact room before, the atmosphere of the room had changed completely. Last time he was in this room, Nagisa had felt content, safe and even proud. This time it felt different though. Nagisa felt worried, nervous and even a little scared. 

Scared to lose his job. 

Nagisa was currently sitting in the principal's office, awaiting the principal. It reminds Nagisa of junior high, right before Nagsia was sentenced to spend the rest of his time in class 3-E. That time was worse though because his mother was in the office with him when the principal gave him the seemingly bad news. Afterwards, Nagisa's mother was yelling at him like no tomorrow. At least his mother wasn't here now so that she would be more disappointed if he did end up losing his job. 

Principal Asano walked into the principal's office and sat down at his desk. He looked at Nagisa for a second before he looked at the person next to him. Tokaji was sitting down in the chair next to Nagisa with a mad look on his face. I guess he doesn't like getting his arm twisted that much.

"Okay can somebody please explain what happened?" Asano said in a calm voice that almost made Nagisa's anxiety wash away. His anxiety quickly came back when Tokaji stared to talk though. "Well Asano-san, this substitute teacher twisted my arm for no reason!" Tokaji practically screamed out.  Asano looked at Nagisa with a questioning look. "Is this true Nagisa?" He asked Nagisa. Nagisa on the other hand was pissed. He couldn't believe Tokaji had the audacity to accuse him of doing that for no reason! 

"Actually, Tokaji-sensi accused the whole class of cheating because they got good grades on the test and when I tried to stop him from failing them all, he tried to push me to the floor. That's when I grabbed his arm and twisted it." Nagisa told the principal. 

Asano looked at Tokaji for a moment. To Nagisa, it looked like the principal was studying him to see if what Nagisa said was actually true. Asano seemed to come to a conclusion because he averted his eyes and let out a sigh while Nagisa grew more worried.

"Well, Tokaji I'm going to just say it as it is. You haven't been watching over the students of 3-5 so I really don't understand how you came to the conclusion that they were cheating. Nagisa is a great teacher so I have no doubt that he could teach the students enough information so that they could get a good grade on the exam. Not only did you falsely accuse your students of cheating on the exam, but you also tried to physically assault Nagisa when he tried to correct you?

I've my decision. You are no longer going to be a teacher at this school. I was going to fire you at the end of the year since I believe that Nagisa is a much better teacher than you. As for you Nagisa, I'm sorry but this can't go unpunished even though I completely agree that your actions were reasonable but I'm afraid others won't think you actions were justifiable. Because of this, you will be suspended for three days. 

But when you do get back, you will officially be the homeroom teacher of class 3-5. You are not a sub anymore." Asano said to the two teachers; well one teacher and one fired teacher. Nagisa kind of sad that he was suspended but he was ecstatic that he was the homeroom teacher of the class. Tokaji on the other hand, was almost fuming with rage. He was about to argue but Asano looked at him with a glare that mimicked his father's perfectly. 

"Tokji-san, you may leave my office and this school altogether. Nagisa-sensei, you may go back to your class and finish teaching for the rest of the day and make sure to notify your students that they will have a sub for the next three days. You both may leave my office." Asano said finally as the two got up from their seats and headed out the door. 

— + — ~ — + —

Nagisa walked into the classroom of nervous students. Each one of them was sitting anxiously in their seats and looked up the bluenette when he walked in. "Nagisa-sensei!" Hayashida yelled when she saw him. Nagisa smiled and all the students seemed as if they had a weight lifted off their shoulders at the smile. After a moment, Wakumi spoke up. "So... What happened?" She asked the question that was hovering in all the student's minds. 

"Well, Tokaji-sensei is officially fired and I'm replacing him as your new homeroom teacher!" Nagisa exclaimed cheerfully. The students all seemed really happy at this statement, even Matsuo all though he tried to hide it. "But..." Nagisa started again. "I'm also going to suspended for the next three days and you will receive a substitute teacher in the meanwhile." The students recoiled at the announcement.  

In the end, the news was bittersweet. Three days isn't that long so if three days is all they need to suffer through, then they would accept it, though it's not like they have a say in the matter. They all still had a question plaguing their minds, even Nagisa. 

Who is the sub going to be?

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