Characters (not part of the storyline)

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Hello everybody! This isn't part of the story but I just wanted to write a description for the characters. I've always wanted to make a character description kind of thing but I never got around to doing it. By the way, if/when I add new characters, I will not be adding them to this list so you don't have to worry about spoilers for future chapter. I'm also going to be adding images off of google for some of them to show you guys what I image the characters to look like though. None of the images are mine though so all the credit goes to the original artist. Also I suck at japanese names so the naming system doesn't always make sense. Also I'm not going to put descriptions for the characters that exist already in the anime because if you don't know their descriptions already, then why are you reading fanfics about them? Also this is going to replace the normal chapter. I also got lazy half way through, sorry. Anyways, this not-a-real-chapter chapter was around 1460 words long. Enjoy!

Yamazaki Sayuri

My original description : "A violet haired girl with a gold nose piercing was sitting down at that desk."

Yamzaki loves drawing and mystery. When I though of her character, I imaged her to be kind of like a mix between Kyoka Jiro from My Hero Academia and Touka Kirishima from Tokyo Ghoul. She's pretty confident and smart. The reason she got into class 3-5 is because she never cared about class and always would rather draw then pay attention to class. She's pretty agile but not too strong. She has a pretty chill style and mostly wears hoodies and T-shirts but she can dress fancy when she wants to. She also dresses in black and dark colors most of the time but she but her favorite colors are lighter colors like pastel purple. Yamazaki also has a little brother named Ren. This is kind of what I image her to look like but with a nose piercing. (Again this is not my art.)


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Hayashida Hana

My original description : "A petite brown-haired girl raised a shaking hand up in the air. -  He noticed a little heart tattoo on her wrist. She was also wearing some cute round glasses."

Hayashida is a really cute girl. She has brown hair and a tattoo on her wrist. I would have to say that the character I had the most inspiration from for this character is probably Ochako Uraraka from My Hero Academia. Hayashida is pretty naive and weak but she always stays positive. She is easily frightened and she loves to socialize. She had an older sister named Emiko. This is what I imagine her to look like:

 This is what I imagine her to look like:

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