First Day of school

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   Okay, the story starts right after the last scene of the anime so if you haven't seen the scene then I recommend that you watch that before hand. Also, I'm going to pretend like Nagisa didn't cut his hair even though I know he did. I just like his other hair style more. Also this Episode is kinda long (3000 words) but I just wanted to have the entire first day of school on the first episode. The next part will most likely be about what happens when Nagisa gets home. It'll definitely be shorter. Enjoy!

 Shiota Nagisa gives the student who seems to be the leader of the class a warm smile right after he sat him down in his chair. Nagisa bends down to grab the roll call book he dropped as a distraction while he stun-clapped the delinquent leader and made his way to his teaching desk at the front of the class. Well technically, it's not his desk. The dirty desk belongs to Tokaji Izumi but since Tokaji-sensei apparently never shows up to teach class 3-5 except on exam days, Nagisa will claim the unkept desk as his own.

"I'll clean the desk later" Nagisa thought "along with the rest of the classroom." Nagisa looked around his new classroom. "This room is going to be hard to clean up..." Nagisa made a mental reminder to clean the class by the end of the week. He wasn't sure how they were suppose to learn in this environment. Graffiti was plastered all over the walls, the desks and even the chalk board. The classroom was also littered with soda cans and other types of trash. Some of the student's desks were visibly damaged but not too bad and the others were broken down to the point were they weren't usable.

They was only one desk that wasn't broken at all. A violet haired girl with a gold nose piercing was sitting down at that desk. She was the only student that was sitting down other than the leader. She had a notebook open on the desk. She was previously looking down at the book while doodling in it. She was drawing with precision and Nagisa could tell that she definitely wasn't a beginner to drawing.

But the violet haired girl wasn't drawing in her notebook anymore. She was looking at Nagisa with a terrified expression drawn on her face. He glanced around the classroom immediately felt guilty.

Some of the students seemed terrified. Nagisa could tell. He could also see that the terrified students were visibly shaking. Most people probably wouldn't notice their shaking but Nagisa wasn't most people. An assassin had to be observant during an assassination because even the smallest details could change the outcome of the mission. When you work as an assassin, you start to incorporate some of the skills into your everyday life. Nagisa is an assassin.

The students who weren't scared were either shocked or uneasy though the leader didn't react like the rest of them. He wasn't scared or uneasy. In fact, he looked like a mix of angry and stunned. He also look embarrassed, which just added to his anger.

"Wow. What a great first impression. I just had to terrify half the class before they even got to introduce themselves. Great." The trainee thought to himself sarcastically.

I mean he didn't blame them for being scared. The student whom they all looked up to and worshipped for his strength was just defeated by a teacher that was half his size!

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be so harsh. Please don't be scared." Their blue-haired teacher pleaded.

The students were still pretty shocked from what just happened but they quickly went back to acting tuff even though Nagisa could tell most of them were still scared but now some of them became a little mad at the same time.

"We're not scared of a high school girl! That was just luck that you managed to defeat Matsuo-kun!" One of the male students shouted at Nagisa. "So that's his name." Nagisa thought.

"Y-Yeah!" A few other students weakly agreed. They definitely weren't as convinced that it was luck as the male student but they definitely hoped that it was just luck.

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