Akari Yukimura

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Hello! Thank you so much for all the support! I added another original character again because why not? This is going to be a two part because i wanted to make Kayano's part long and I wanted to post something this week and if I continued to write, then it would have come later. Plus I think this is a nice chiffhanger. This chapter is also already 960 words long. Also there will be more Karmagisa stuff in the next chapter so don't worry. I hope you enjoy!

Nagisa walked into class one morning. So far, the morning had gone pretty well. Karma was really tired since he stayed up all night watching a show so he wasn't teasing Nasgisa as much as normal and was actually acting sweet like he always does when he's tired. The only downside was that he somehow, in his half asleep state, managed to swap Nagisa's lunch but Nagisa didn't mind as much. 

When he entered the classroom, he sat down at his desk waiting with the early students he wasn't really paying any attention to what they were talking about. It was only when the bell rang and still no more students were showing up. The early students consisted of Hayashida-chan, Ishii-kun, Matsuo-kun, Koda-kun and a girl with brown hair that faded into blonde named Imai-chan. Nagisa then realized that this is unusual since Yamazaki-chan and Airi-kun were usually two of the first people there.

Nagisa finally decided to ask the five students that were in class if they knew where their classmates where. "Hey, does anyone know why the other students aren't here yet?" He looked around the room. Surprisingly Matsuo spoke up. "Oh yeah, they're skipping." Nagisa's eyes widened. "Wait what? All together? Why?" Nagisa asked the students. Koda answered "Well apparently there's this meet and great thingy and they all want to go but it's during school they skipped." Nagisa looked at them curiously. Who would they all want to meet? "Who is it?" Nagisa asked. "This actress named Akari Yukimura. I wanted to join them but i didn't want to miss class." Hayashida said. The next words that came out of their teacher said shocked them. 

"All right! Let's go to the meet and great!"

— + — ~ — + —

When Nagisa and his small group students arrived at the location that holds the meet and greets for Akari Yukimura, they started looking around for the rest of their class. Not to long after, Matsuo spotted his friend Koda-kun not to far away from them with the rest of their class. He informed Nagisa-sensei about the whereabouts of his students. He assumed that his teacher was going to be mad about most the class skipping class but instead the blue haired teacher smiled and they made their way toward the students.

"Hey guy!" Nagisa said as he walked behind the absent students. All their faces immediately paled as they heard the cheery voice of their teacher. They slowly turned around  as they hoped that it's who they thought behind them. To their dismay, it was exactly who they thought.         "S-sensei!" they said quietly think that they were dead. "Hey! It wasn't very nice to not invite me you know?" Nagisa said. What? That's what he's mad about??!?  Nagisa looked to the huge line in front of them. "You do know this line is going to take forever right? Jeez. Did you even try to sneak into the back?" Nagisa asked and somehow their mouths managed to drop even more. Their teacher chuckled before speaking again. "If you open you mouths even further, they might fall off. Anyways, follow me. I know a faster way to get in." Nagisa turned and they all followed obediently. 

— + — ~ — + —

The class walked up to the VIP area only to be stopped by a guard. All of the students thought they were screwed but their teacher had another idea in mine. "VIP tickets please." They guard said in a monotone voice. The guard was looking at them suspiciously. How would a full class of students be able to obtain enough tickets for them to all get in and why? The guard was thinking. The guard and the rest of the class thought that they were busted but Nagisa just smiled again and said "One second, let me pull up the tickets on my phone. Instead of pulling up the tickets though, he texted a certain AI by the name of Ritsu to hack into the data bass of the ticket manufacturing company and make identical copies of the tickets and simultaneously hack into the ticket scanner so that the scanner won't identify them as fake. Ritsu, of course, did this in a matter of seconds Nagisa had enough tickets for the whole class to get in. 

The guard looked shocked to find that the ticket scanner identified them as real but not as Nagisa's students. They managed to hide their shocked expressions as they walked by the guard and entered the VIP lounge but the second they were out of site, they couldn't contain it anymore. "Nagisa-sensei ! How did you manage to get those tickets? Did you pay for them? How are we suppose to pay you back? We don't have that kind of money!!"  They screamed. Nagisa somehow managed to calm them down right before he dropped the bomb. "I didn't pay for them. They're fake." Their jaws dropped for a third time today. Nagisa was about to say something when the door opened and in came Akari Yukimura. 

"Oh hey Nagisa!" She said with a smile. "Hey Kayano" Nagisa responded nonchalantly. The students had one phrase on their mind:

"What the-"

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