Truth or Dare

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Hello! Again, I'm posting this early! I might post two chapters this week so that's cool! I chose to use 'A Dog's Purpose' as the movie that they watch because it is definitely my favorite movie :) I introduced a new ship! Tell me if you approve of the ship. Welp I think that's all I wanted to say! This chapter was around 1010 words long. Hope you enjoy!

Once the class got back from snack, they all decided on a Movie. After some consideration, they decided to watch 'A Dog's Purpose'. Nagisa had already watched the movie with Karma when it came out since they both love dogs, so Nagisa assumed that he wouldn't be as sad when watching it a second time. He assumed incorrectly. He, along with many other students, was bawling his eyes out at Ellie's story. (Reference to the movie if you haven't watched it.)

Only a few student weren't crying by the end of the movie. Kure was trying to hid her tears, embarrassed that her classmates could she how upset she was by a movie. Hayashida wasn't even trying to hid the fact that she was crying like Nagisa. Nagisa was not embarrassed that he was sad because it was sad! Anyone who thought otherwise, was lying. Matsuo was definitely lying. He told the class that it wasn't even that sad. Nagisa could see he was upset, though he would never jeopardize his tough guy act for a movie. The rest of the class was either crying or wore sad expressions. 

After lunch, they all decided to play a game like their teacher had suggested earlier. Truth or dare was the most suggested game to play. Sure it's cliche (Oops that rhymes.) but there's a reason why it's popular. It's fun and helps you learn a lot about the people you are playing with. They all agreed that it was a fitting game to play so they move their chairs so that it makes a circle in the middle of the classroom. Nagisa bring his rolling chair to the top of the circle. He loves spinning chair because who doesn't? 

"Okay so let's play!" Imai-chan said excitedly, her green eyes shining with anticipation. "I want to start! Okay Hayashida, truth or dare?" Imai continued. Hayashida was clearly caught off guard when Imai choose her ask. She definitely didn't think anyone was interested in her response. She hesitated for a moment before responding. "...Truth"  Imai thought for a moment before asking another question to the brown-haired girl. "Why do you have that tattoo on your wrist? You don't really look like that type that would get a tattoo." Hayashida smiled.

"Well my older sister actually owns a tattoo parlor! I'm really supportive of it so, when it first opened, I convinced her to allow me to get one. We mutually decided on this design." She responded while showing her tattoo to the rest of the class. It was a vine with flowers sprouting out of it. It rapped around her wrist like a permanent bracelet. A few students were jealous of Hayashida for having such a cool sister. Benjiro already had a cool twin so he wasn't jealous. 

Nagisa asked Hayashida for the name of the parlor because Karma had been wanting to get a tattoo for a while but insisted that it need to be perfect. From Hayashida's tattoo, Nagisa could tell she was really good. Hayashida also mentioned that she got the tattoo when the parlor had just opened, so, in theory, her sister must have improved even more. 

It was now Hayashida's turn. The brunette debated her options for while before to settling on Koda-kun. "Truth or Dare Koda?" Koda decided to choose truth since he thought it would be more interesting. "Truth" Hayashida's face light up. It's clear to everybody that truth is the choice she hoped for. "Okay! Do you have a crush on anyone?" Koda was surprised that such an innocent girl wanted to know that. His eyes briefly glanced at the boy next to her before dropping his eyes to his knees. "Maybe..." Koda had a crush on the boy next to Hayashida. The boy next to her just so happened to be Airi-kun. Nagisa noticed when he glanced at Airi and pleased to know that the two liked each other. Airi didn't notice the look though. 

Airi didn't know what there was not to like about Koda. He was always so kind and goofy.Airi also loved his green hair and striking blue eyes. Koda also had a crush on Airi too. At first, he didn't realize that it was a crush but after the question Hayashida asked him, he knew he did. He just didn't realize it until this day. 

The whole class started to ask who it was to Koda but the green-haired boy refused to answer. The realized it was hopeless to try after a while and the game continued on. They played a few more rounds. The bell was about to ring, signaling the end of class and therefore the end of the game, when it was Yamazaki's turn. She took a moment to analyze her options before choosing to call on their teacher. 

"Nagisa-sensei, truth or dare?" Yamazaki said. He hoped he picked dare because she didn't know any questions to ask him. "Hm... I'll pick truth." Nagisa responded. Of course he would pick truth when she wanted him to pick dare. Yamazaki didn't know what to ask him so she decided not to dwell on it and choose a question they already knew the answer to. "Are you dating anyone." she asked.

 Nagisa smiled. This was the first time they asked if he was dation someone and not if he had a girlfriend so they were in for a surprise. "Yes, I'm dating someone." Nagisa said smugly. The looks on their faces were priceless. Before they could ask any further questions, the bell rang. Nagisa said a quick bye before leaving the class with a dozen question unanswered. 

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