Nagisa's lunch

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Hello! Merry Christmas! Or Hanukkah! Or whatever holiday you celebrate :) So I don't know why I was so motivated to write a chapter this week. I already finished half of the chapter by last Saturday! This chapter isn't Christmas themed since I couldn't come up with a Christmas chapter. I'm also going to post this chapter a day earlier than I usually do since tomorrow is Christmas and I might be busy. Anyways, thank you so much for getting me to 1# on Karmagisa. Best Christmas gift ever! This chapter is around 1920 words long. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Karma Akabane isn't a very forgetful person. He always remembers to pack Nagisa's lunch since Nagisa isn't a very good cook himself and even though Karma pack it in the most embarrassing way imaginable, he never forgets to make it. Sometimes Karma even makes the lunch the day before so that he can insure that he can get some cuddles from his boyfriend without jeopardizing the time he needs to make the girly lunch. In short, Karma made sure that Nagisa always had his lunch at the school he works at. 

Until now. 

Karma was so caught up with the shenanigans that went on this morning that he forgot to back his boyfriend's lunch. So he did what ever normal person did. He called in sick to work and spent an hour perfecting Nagisa's lunch as an apology. Normally he only spent ten to fifteen minutes on his blunette's lunch but Karma had nothing else to do and since this is Nagisa's first day back since his suspension, Karma knew the lunch had to be perfect. 

Karma made Nagisa a bento with sushi and octopus sausages inside. He also added some rice balls and crafted them in little cats and put some seaweed on them for the details. He cut some carrots and made them into little stars and hearts. He added some tomatoes and some greens like arugula and even some broccoli. Then in a separate container labeled "dessert", he put some strawberry flavored Japanese kitkats, some Choco Babys (I've never tried them but my brother really likes them), and lastly some fruit. Karma made sure to not add any blueberries since Karma doesn't support Nagisa performing cannibalism.

Once he was done making the lunch, Karma checked the cat clock the couple kept above the coffee machine in their kitchen and observed that he had ten minutes before Nagisa's lunch break started. Perfect. Karma felt something rub against his legs. He looked down to see a black little fluffball named Hon. Okay maybe he wasn't just a fluffball and was actually a husky but honestly, what's the difference? 

"You want to come with me to see Nagisa?" Karma asked the cutie as he wiggled his body and gave the red head a little bark. Karma laughed as he bent down to pet Hon. "Okay, okay. Let's go!" Karma got up again and grabbed his boyfriend's lunch, his key, his wallet and Hon's leash. Hon was spinning around in circles at the front door and Karma approached him to clip on his leash. Hon let out one finally bark of excitement as Karma opened the front door and led them both out. 

— + — ~ — + —

Karma walked into the school gates with a bento box and an abnormally large bag. He knew that dogs weren't aloud at school but that's only if people know that you have a dog there. In only a matter of seconds, Karma realized that he had no clue where he was suppose to go. He assumed that Nagisa was probably at the teacher's lounge but like where was that? Karma spotted a girl in a uniform and decided to ask her where he was suppose to go.

"Hey, I have a question. Where is the teacher's lounge? I need to give someone their lunch that they forgot." Karma said to the girl with long teal hair and black eyes. She looked up at him and smiled. "Oh, are you Misa-sensei's boyfriend? Well to get to the teacher's lounge you just have to go straight, then take a left and it will be the first door on your right." The girl said as she turned around, giggling, and left before Karma could ask her who the heck Misa-sensei was. 

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