There are some moments in life, That have no words

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"Jordyn? Jordyn?" Jessie asked "Sky?" He asked again "Where is everyone?"  "Guys? HELLO?" He yelled "Guys this isn't funny" "Where the hell did they go? Jordyn couldn't have left. Her shoes are at the door" He thought "3,2,1. SURPRISE!!!!!" I yelled "Jesus! What the hell dude?" "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I yelled "What are you doing?" Jessie asked "Wishing you happy birthday?" I asked "Yeah, I know that. Thank you"He said coming over beside Sky. Sky and I had been planning for a surprise for a few days. I almost forgot about it because of the whole problem yesterday. But today is about Jessie. "Sky, you were in on this?" Jessie asked "Why are you so surprised?" I asked "Cause he may be 18, but he can't keep secrets" Jessie said "Oh, well. He kept this one" I said 

*Knock, Knock* "Who the hell is that?" Sky asked "Jessie?" I asked "I'll get it" Jessie said. I don't think I have ever been scared of a door, or what was behind it. "Who is it?" Jessie asked "You know who it is" Someone said from behind the door. "Dude, leave." Jessie Demanded "Who is it?" Sky asked "I think I know" I answered "Who?" He asked "Elijah" I stated "I said leave" Jessie said "Give me Jordyn and I will'' Elijah said "You're not going anywhere near her" Jessie stated "And who is gonna stop me?" Elijah asked sarcastically "Can you make him leave?" Sky asked "I can try'' I answered "Jessie" I said quietly "Come here" I said, he walked over to me and I stepped in front of him and looked back at him, "I can make him leave, I just need to persuade him" I explained "Okay. But be careful" He said "Of course". I walked over the door and put my hand on the nob, hesitating before opening it. I opened the door and saw Elijah on the other side of the screen. I opened that and he stepped inside. "Elijah, I need you to go" I said "I'm not leaving here without you, I said that last time and I'll say it again" "Yeah, and as I recall. I broke up with you, for a reason. So I don't want you here. And I told you I didn't want to see you, or hear from you" I explained "Yeah, and sometimes you don't get what you want" He said "And you think you will?" I asked "You know I will'' Elijah said, getting closer to me. "Elijah!" Jessie said, raising his voice. 

I put my hand up to stop Jessie from coming any closer. "I got this" I mouthed to him. He nodded but kept his eye on Elijah. "I'm basically begging you to stay with me and just come back with me" Elijah stated "Maybe now you beg for me to stay, but you will just go back to your old ways" "You know what?" I asked "What?" "You're not worth my time, you are just a waste of space. Let alone an asshole. I can't believe I ever dated you" I explained "Don't push me" He threatened grabbing my hand really tight. "Or what. You gonna hit me?" I tempted "Don't make me" "Do it. I dare you. Hit me. C'mon I dare you. HIT ME!" I yelled. He looked at me but he squeezed my hand even harder "See, you can't do it" "Yeah, of course I can't" He stated "And why's that?" I asked "Because.." He stuttered "I know why, because you. Have too much obsession. You are obsessed with me." "I'm not obsessed with you" "Really, then why are you here AGAIN? Bothering me, AGAIN?" I yelled "I don't know" "I'm telling you this one more time. And I swear you come back. I'll break you. Leave. Leave Elijah" I said. He rolled his eyes and turned away and walked back outside.

 "OW!" I yelled "Did he do something, did he touch you?" Jessie asked worryingly "No, he was just squeezing my hand really hard" "Sky, get the ice" Jessie demanded "Yeah" Sky said going to the kitchen to get the ice, while Jessie just made sure my hand wasn't broken. Sky brought back a pack of ice and gave it to Jessie. "Do you think it's broken?" Jessie asked "No, he isn't that strong, he couldn't just break my hand". He sat me on the couch and put the ice on my hand, my hand was hurting so bad. I don't know why, but I was actually scared that my hand was broken somehow. I didn't tell Jessie or he would just be more worried about me. "I'm sorry" "For what?" Jessie asked "For all of this. For Elijah. Today is your birthday, and I ruined it, OW!" I exclaimed  "Hey, you didn't ruin anything. If anything you made my birthday better. Who knows what he would have done, if you didn't step in. I could be the one with a possibly broken hand" He explained "Yeah, if anything. You showed us how tough you are and that you can stand up to a guy like that" Sky explained "Yeah, I guess you're right"  "Even the fact that you are here, makes my birthday more special. I don't know what we would be doing if we never found you on the side of the road. That sounds weird, but you know what I mean" Jessie said "Yeah, thanks" 

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