I lost you but, You were never really there

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I know that Elijah understands, but how long is it gonna take for him to actually listen to me. How many times do I have to tell him to leave, for him to get the message. The message that I want to be alone, from him. The message that I'm done, done fighting with him. And I'm done fighting for us, fighting for what we had. Cause what we did have together, is gone. And there is no getting it back now.

I walked over to the door where Jessie was to make sure he was okay, we had just woken up from what seemed to be a sleepless night. Jessie turned 23, 4 days ago. And now this, Elijah has been bugging us non stop, Not with phone calls, not with visits. But letters, not your usual letter though. They were.. Death threats. Threats that he would harm Sky and Jessie if I didn't come with him the next time he showed up. I knew I couldn't, but if he was gonna harm Jessie and Sky for no reason. Do I really have a choice? "Are you okay?" I asked, "I just don't know what to do'' Jessie replied "We could go to the police" Sky suggested "And do what? You know their rule. They can't do anything, unless he does something to harm us" Jessie explained "But he has. He punched you, he keeps showing up here when we have repeatedly told him not to. And he is now sending death threats for you and Sky. And obviously he's obsessed with me. I mean come one, Elijah has lost it. He's 100% psychotic, he has no experience with self control. This needs to stop" I explained "Yeah, I know. But how are we supposed to stop it?" "I don't know. But, I'm gonna go get some air. I could use a quick breather" I said "Okay. Just be careful" Jessie said "Of course" I replied. I was outside for about 2 minutes, when I saw a white van pull up. I thought it was Jessie's parents back from their trip. So I waited for them to approach the door. But no. It was Elijah, he had done what he promised. "Well, isn't it funny running into you here" Elijah smirked "What do you want" I said "You know what I want" He stated "What?" I sarcastically replied "You. "You ask for me. And my answer is no'' I said "It's not your choice" He threatened "What are you gonna do about it?" I stated "What I should have done a long time ago" He intimidated me.

He grabbed my arm, as he did before. But he walked me to the car, and put my hand, by the door that was open, "What are you doing?" I asked, "Like I said, what I should have done a while ago" He replied, "What are you... AHHHH!" I exclaimed. The next thing I knew, he slammed the door on my hand, "THAT. Is what I should have done a while ago, hurt you. Cause you don't listen." He explained "Ah. What are you talking about?" I strained  "You know exactly what I'm talking about'' He stated. He grabbed my hand, the same one he just broke. And lifted me up by it. And that hurt like hell. And he just pushed me over, and I hit my head. Again, "Elijah, please stop. I don't know what you're talking about" I strained. I was in so much pain, It's indescribable. "You, were the problem. Not me, you!" He yelled "You were the reason I wasn't happy, that I couldn't hunt right, train right. Nothing. It was all because of you" "No. You couldn't hunt because you were too afraid of me getting hurt. OW! So in the process, you became obsessed with me. Always making sure I was safe. So really it's your fault" I stated. "No. You. Were the problem" He stated. He grabbed my hand, and squeezed it tight so it hurt more and more. "AHH. ELIJAH STOP!" I screamed "Hey. What the hell are you doing?" Jessie yelled "Jessie go. I got this" I strained "Are you kidding me?" He smirked "I got your little threat" Jessie stated "Good, I'm glad. So you know why I'm doing this" Elijah said out of breath. He took his boot and he stepped on my leg, to hold me down "AH!" I yelled "DUDE STOP. YOU'RE GONNA KILL HER" Jessie exclaimed "That's the point. I warned you" Elijah stated, pushing harder down on my knee. "ELIJAH, PLEASE STOP!". "No." "Dude get off" Jessie said. He pushed Elijah into the van and just beat him, "Jessie, Stop" I strained "JESSIE SERIOUSLY STOP!" I yelled. Jessie actually stopped that time. "You know, you should really be afraid of me" Jessie stated "You *cough* Never" Elijah smirked "Okay." Jessie said punching him one more time. "Go. Now. I swear you touch her. Or even come back here again. I'll kill you" Jessie threatened and Elijah left. When Jessie finally turned to look at me, I was unconscious. "Well, I guess that's-" Jessie stopped "Jordyn? JORDYN?!" He yelled "Hey, Hey, Jordyn. Look at me, Jordyn please. Look at me" Jessie panicked "SKY!" He yelled "WHAT!" Sky replied "Don't, What? me, get me out here!" He yelled "Okay, okay. What" Sky replied "I need you to get your phone or something and either call like dad, or like 911. Cause Elijah attacked Jordyn" Jessie demanded "He what-okay um. You had my phone" Sky said "It's on the couch!" Jessie exclaimed "Jordyn, come one. Wake up. You're okay, you're gonna be okay" Jessie panicked. "They said they can't be here for another 30-45 minutes" Sky explained "She'll be dead by then!" Jessie exclaimed "You know what, forget it. I'll put her in her room. We'll clean her up"

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