Chapter 24 - Cuddles

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Amanda James

Evan's birthday is almost here and I have no idea what to give him, my guy has everything. Little things like this give me headache sometimes, i'm a bit lost in Math class just because thinking of what present should I give him. I've never had a boyfriend before and I've never really gave a guy a present so yeah.

The bell rings makes everyone got up from their seat heading out of the class while I'm shoving all of my stuff into my bag. Before I even got a chance to leave the class Miss Grace, the math teacher suddenly calls me.

"Amanda," she says.

"Yes Miss Grace?" I ask her.

"You okay?" She asks the I sigh, I thought I'm in trouble for not paying attention to her class.

"I'm fine," I say to her while she's looking at me.

"Oh okay, go eat enough food after this you look kinda pale," she says then I smile.

"Oh yeah thanks," I smile before leaving her class.

Didn't think that thinking about Evan's present can be this frustrating. God I'm starving maybe it's the reason why I lost focus in math, I know I need food. I make my way straight to the cafeteria just like the rest of the people here, my eyes went to Audrey who's waving at me from one of the table. I gave her a sign as I make my way to get my lunch.

I was waiting for my turn to get my food when I realized that Evan is standing right after me, I was surprised when he's also waiting on the line.

"You look surprised," he whispered from behind me as I'm standing in front of him.

"Yeah," I sigh.

"How's math?" He asks then I look around to look at him.

"Not good," I say before stepping one step on the line.

"You always kill it, why?" He asks then I shake my head.

"I don't know I was lost in my daydream," I say without looking at him.

Both of us are really stealing moment between the curtain falls and I've never talk to someone without facing them like this.

"What was your daydream?" He asks.

"Were you thinking about me?" He asks.

"No," I simply say without any movement.

"Too bad because I dreamed about you last night," he chuckles and I can only hide my smile.

I step ahead to get the food tray while waiting for the cafeteria guy to give me the food. "Tell me what were you thinking about?" He asks with his eyes looking at me.

"Why are you acting so obvious in front of everyone evan?" I chuckle.

"No one cares," he says.

"You're the center of attention," I say as I keep moving.

"Am I?" He asks and that one makes me smile.

"It's game day today, will you come to see me?" He asks then I smile.

"I don't know," I say to him.

"I'll be loosing the game if you're not there," he says then I can only laugh.

"You were always winning before even you knew me," I say to him.

"It'll be different," he says then I shake my head as the cafeteria guys hand me a box of hamburger to my tray.

"You'll be fine Evan, just come over after the game my mom is in a business trip," I say to him then he smiles at me.

"Really?" He looks so happy, his smile is so big.

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