Chapter 37 - Where's she

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Evan Hamilton

I got out of the class and about to go to the cafeteria, knowing that I need to reach out to Amanda because I know that I was only following my ego. She needs an explanation from me and I have to apologize for acting like that towards her. I get into my locker and there's where I met Adriel, still in his PE clothes and he's leaning against my locker.

"What?" I ask while unlocking my locker.

"You just got out of PE class?" I ask him.

"You saw Amanda?" I ask while he's still looking at me silently.

"Yeah we were running for a set then she passed out right in front of me," he says.

She passed out?!

"Where is she?!" I ask him but he shakes his head.

"She went home, her mom picked her up earlier today, I gotta help her until she got into the car," he says.

"What happened to her?" I ask him.

"She skipped breakfast earlier today saying that she couldn't eat under pressure. Saying that she had a math test this morning," Adriel says then I nodded.

"I hope she's okay," I say.

"Are you guys good?" He asks then I shake my head.

"We haven't talked for two days," I sigh.

"It was my fault, I exploded right after mom and dad grounded us,"

"I made her cry,"

"I was actually letting all out of my emotions into a wrong person," I say then I can see a judgement in Adriel's eyes.

"I know, it was my fault," I sigh.

"I'll go to her house after school,"

"Give her a time to rest, maybe she's not ready for another argument yet,"

"I'll see you after school," he says before leaving me alone right in front of my locker.

"Thanks bro," I say then he nodded while walking away from me.

The thought of me making her cry that night only make me a lot worse right now, I should've not acting like that towards her. I have to apologize to her, and I hope she's okay.


I texted her but she hasn't reply back, maybe she's taking a rest so she haven't seen my text messages. I've been waiting for her to answer my text messages. I'm sitting in the loving room alone while watching a tv, well I don't really watch a tv. I turned it on just so it feels like the house is not that empty.

I was a jack ass but now I'm so worried about her, first things first I'm glad that she got home safely last Friday. I supposed to make sure that she's safe going back home but I was so full of myself that I forgot that I also have to take care of her. Two days of thinking about what I did is enough, now I need to apologize but she hasn't replied back.

I was staring up at the white ceiling until my phone suddenly buzzed,

Evan Hamilton:
Hey heard that you went home

Evan Hamilton:
Are you okay?

Evan Hamilton:
Can we talk?

Evan Hamilton:
I'm sorry, I'm very worry about you.

Amanda James:
It was nothing big

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