Chapter 26 - Talk and Think

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Amanda James

I was staring at my note trying to get focus on whatever it is, even though it's pretty hard for me now I feel like my mind is everywhere. I guess I worried too much about my mom started dating that I couldn't sleep last night, I ended up get dizzy again and it kinda disturb my focus in class. I hate this kind of feeling of worried that haunts me every time, I want to get it out of my head but I just can't. I know it's bad to overthink but I don't know how to stop it.

The class is being dismissed so I got up from my chair and decided to go to the next class right away, thank god it only takes like 3 classes from here because I feel like I can't really handle it if I have to walk upstairs or somewhere. If someone said that mind can controls you it is right, because I always feel like this every time I have something inside of my head.

On the way there, Becca suddenly walk past by, she's wearing a maroon skirt matching with her outer top and I can say she looks very cool in her outfit. She looks like Cher from clueless, or maybe her friend Dionne. 

"Hey Amanda everything's alright?" She asks then I smile.

"What? did you see it on my face?" I chuckle then she smile.

"Something bothering you? Did Clara did something to you?" She asks.

"No," I say.

"Just something in my mind," I laugh.

"Ooh, you okay?" She asks again then I only smile.

"Nothing big, just a thing," I say to her.

"What about you, how are you?" I ask then she smiles.

"Nothing big, life's going just like normal thankfully," she nodded then I nodded.

"Cool," I say then she nodded.

"Anyway gotta go to class, meet me at lunch time?" She asks then I smile.

"I'll see you there," I say then she nodded before walking away.

I got into my class taking a seat at my usual seat, trying to get a deep breath to focus. Like I said I have no idea why I easily loose focus these days which is bad.


School has finally ended it's time to go home and now I'm sitting right next to Evan who's driving next to me. I haven't told her about my mom and now I'm thinking about it all over again. This guy next to me know exactly how I feel about my parents, I thought no one will ever know about this except Audrey, but now look at him he knows everything. I turn my head to look at him who's silently waiting for the light to turns green, his eyes are looking straight to the rode while one of his hand stays on his pinkish lips, like he's thinking. His side profile looks very attractive, those jaws and long lashes are just too perfect.

"Hey," I stole his attention.

"huh?" he asks like I just pulled him out of his daydream.

"What were you thinking?" I brush his cheek with my thumb, the his lips curled into a smile.

"Nothing, I was only thinking should we stop to get some food or not," he says then I laugh.

"Really? because your face looks way too serious," I chuckle.

"Yeah because I'm highly selective with my food," he says then I chuckle.

"You hungry? let's stop somewhere shall we?" I ask then he nodded.

The light turns into green then he started to drive the car, we ended up in a mall because he wants to eat sushi. I know how much he loves it, he has taken me to some of Japanese restaurants because he is obsess with it. Just like always, once we got out of the car his hand automatically holds mine, I never got bored of this feeling. 

The Way he loves me - (BOOK 4)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang