Chapter 13 - The date

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Amanda James

"Wow Lady where are you going?" Mom asked as I enter the living room.

"Going out?" I said.

It's Saturday and I don't think my mom is going to stay at home watching Netflix all alone when I'm out. I don't know but she always have somewhere to go with her friends, since she's an only child. So now me and my grandma are all she has, but glad she has so many friends so she often going out with her friends.

My mom is really beautiful and kind, I don't know why she's not dating anybody until now. Maybe she has a trauma or something? I don't know, I never asked her why she never date anyone until dad left. Because if she's dating anyone, It would be obvious and I'm sure she'll tell me.

"With Audrey?" She asked then somehow it makes me laugh, am I that lonely so every time I'm going out she always expect that I'm going out with her.

"No," I laugh.

"With Evan," I said.

"Again?" She asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Oh.., I'm sure it's not just a group project anymore," she teased.

"I don't know mom, I should go he's here," I said.

"Okay honey, be careful bye bye," she said while eating her snacks while watching a tv series in our tv.

"You're not going out?" I asked her.

"Tonight?" She asked.

"No," she said.

"I just want to enjoy me time," she said.

"Alright bye mom," I said before walking out of the door.

I can feel that my heart has beating so fast since he texted me that he's on his way to pick me up. I look at the mirror before I walk out of my house, admitting that my gloss is still there.

I open the door and got surprised to look at him standing right on the door way, I thought he was going to wait on his car but he's not.

He looks at me before I decided to turn around to lock my door until I remember that my mom is inside and what a creep who locked her mom alone in her house. I shut my eyes before turning around to face him, I hope he didn't catch me wanted to lock my door cause it would be stupid.

"Your mom's inside?" He asked me then I slowly nodded.

"I forgot that she's inside," I said while I feel so lame.

"You look good," he suddenly said which makes me froze.

I look up at him them smile, no guy has ever gave me a compliment before. He is the first guy that said that to me, and I can feel that my heart started to beat so fast.

"It's out of nowhere," I said with a small laugh.

"Thank you," I said.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked me.

"Probably," I said while both of us are still standing right in front of my front porch.

"Let's go," he said then I realize that this time he is bringing a different car, he is driving a jeep today and I have no Idea where are we going today.

He opens the door for me then I got inside, I'm curious where is he taking me. I hope my simple outfit will match wherever he takes me, cause I'm not expecting an expensive dinner at the very top of the building cause why would he take me there.

"Where are we going actually?" I asked him as he started to drive the car.

He only stays in silent then smile. I think he'll never tell me where to go. Well, this man is Un expectable.

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