Chapter 12 - huh

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Amanda James

"Are you hungry?" He asked me while I'm writing down an exercise in a piece of paper.

"Now I feel hungry," I said.

"Pizza?" He asked.

"Sure," I said.

He gets his phone the began to order pizza, it's almost 3 hours of us studying together and we're almost done. He doesn't need a tutor, somehow him and I have the same thoughts and opinion that is why we're really click doing math together.

"You don't need a tutor Evan," I said.

"I don't?" He asked.

"You're super smart and I can tell that you're even smarter than me, you know all of these pretty fast you even solve every number that I can't do," I said then he only smiles.

"Yeah thank you," he ended up the phone call then put his phone on the desk.

"Am I?" He asked me this time with a smile on his face.

"You are," I said.

"Thank you," he said.

"Anyway you lied to me about the football practice didn't you?" I asked him then he only smiles.

"I did lie..," he said.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Gale told me you didn't come yesterday and it pissed your coach," I said to him.

"Gale told you that?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Don't you have a match next month, and you're the captain right?" I asked him.

"Correct and correct again," he said.

"So why did you do that," I said while seriously looking at him who has his eyes on the book in front of him.

"Cause football isn't the only thing that I care about now," he looks up at me, those blue eyes are staring at me in some kind of way.

Him saying that, acting like this makes me stay in a silent. He remembers what I told him, he actually remember little things that I've said to him.

"What else do you care about?" He asked.

"Grades," he said.

"You?" He asked me.

We're looking at one another in silent, his blue eyes are looking at me and those stares successfully have stopped the time, I feel like the atmosphere stops for a moment before I slowly shake my head.


What does he mean is he sick.

I look at him strangely while we're facing one another, I put my palm on his forehead to check if he has a fever or not cause he started to talk nonsense.

"Are you sick Evan?" I asked him while I'm awkwardly laughing, trying to make the situation not so serious enough.

"No," he shakes his head while his eyes still look so serious, his hand slowly put my hand down.

"Go on a date with me," he said with his blue eyes are looking at me right in the eyes, his strong stares gave me shivers.

"You're not sick, but are you making fun of me right now?" I asked him then he smiles.

"No I'm 100% serious," he said.

"Go on a date with me this Saturday night," he asked me while I still don't know what to say.

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