Chapter 4: The first date

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Jessie had already been at work for a good hour it was now seven a.m Eric walked in about five minutes ago firing up some other machines. He ran back out to his car to grab his charger for his phone and blue tooth speaker for some light music for the back ground. Jessie didn't think no one had entered the café yet. She was so lost in her own world singing along to her phone which wasn't up that much playing Nobody by Keith Sweat. She nor Eric saw Noah, Axel, or Xavier come in and take their seats in Xaviers favorite spot. They sat quietly as they watched her dance around so consumed in her own world with a voice of an angel. That was until the door opened to revealing Eric an dLexi starring at her. Jess looked straight at them none of them skipping a beat.

"Who can treat you like me?" Jessie sang in a sexy voice loudly to them. "Nobody." "Who can give you what you need?" Eric sang back. "Nobody." Who can love you all night long?" Lexi sang out. "Nobody baby." They all started laughing with each other until they heard clapping to the side of the café and the jaws dropped. "Oh look people. Good morning. Gentlemen we'll be right with you." Eric said happily as he took a skip to behind the counter to give Jessie a kiss on the head. "You have the voice of an angel my little dove." He said as he turned and washed his hands. The men actually got up to come order at the counter. "Good morning boys, Xavier." "Good morning. He's right you got the voice of an angel. It was pretty cool seeing you be so free like that in your own element." "Uh thank you. I didn't know you guys came in here I'm so sorry if you had to wait." "No, we enjoyed the show, beside we have plenty of time no where special to be." Noah said smiling deeply. Catching a glimpse of Eric still dancing around a little bit still singing to the ending of the song. "I'm Noah by the way Noah Bently. Nice to meet you Jessenia. This Beast here goes on and on about you it's nice to have a face to the name." Xavier elbowed Noah's side. Having him humble over a little coughing still laughing causing Axel to smile deeply. "Oh well, nice to meet you Noah. I hope you heard good things." She said winking to Xavier.

"Well if we going to be out to embarrass me might as well keep this train going and introduce you to me cousin and other best friend. Axel Graves" Hand shakes went around. "Well it's nice to meet you all but I have to run to the office so be a babe and grab me a muffin for the way?" Lexi asked pouting with a please look. "Sure thing doll." Jess said winking back at her. "You live down the way from don't you?" Lexi asked. "ya I do actually. Didn't think you noticed me." Axel said a little surprised. "Ya ok, we gotta shut her mouth so she don't catch no flies when you go outside." Eric said with a chuckle. After rewashing his hands. "Hey Eric I think the oven needs to be checked." Lexi snapped as everyone all laughed. Causing both Axel and Lexi to blush.

"You need a napkin maybe, might got a little drool right here." Axel said playful wiping the corner of her mouth. "Alright enough of all that. Thank you for my muffin. I'm out before y'all find a way to make this worse." Lexi said throwing her peace up behind walking to the door. "Hey you walking?" "Ya I usually walk to work and here because it's all rally close by." "would you mind if I walked you?" Axel asked with a little bit of hope in his eyes and sweat down his palms. "If you sure, I wouldn't mind some company." Lexi said tiliting her head. "Let's go." Axel said holding the door open for her.

"He didn't even order anything." Noah said laughing. "Well guess he wanted to stay obvious than." Eric said laughing with everyone else. "So what can we get you fine boys today?" Eric asked playfully. "I want a ice blended mocha the way you like and them cinnamon rolls you just made I could smell them coming in the door. Smells great baby girl." Xavier said looking at her. Getting lost in the smells of the café. "That's what this damn make that two. Of all of it." Noah said getting lost in the smell too. You could hear the rumbling from both of their stomachs. Making Jessie and Eric laugh at them. "Better add a slice of that apple cinnamon loaf cake you pulled out too. One for each of us please baby." Xavier asked. "Sure, go ahead and take a seat we'll bring it right out." They turned and walked away to their seats. "Baby, your pet names now. I love it. I also feeling that piece of eye candy to his side. So does he prefer the taco, or a burrito." "I just met the guy right now in front of you I haven't had the time to know if he likes to jump the pogo stick there my friend. Go find out." Jessie said giggling to Eric as the started to work on the order.

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