Chapter 13: The divorce, and the next step.

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It was now Friday. Jessie and her crew at the shop busted their asses to get all the goods ready and now they were in a van that would be pulling up in the service area in the back of Fire Diamonds Industries. The guys have been more than helpful as they all wore black and looked fine as hell, she stuck with a modest simple little black dress that Eric said every woman should always have. It didn't leave over or under dressed, but standing next to all these handsome men, and dressed up women made her feel as about as sexy as one tooth okie.

"Ok guys let's just set up and get the hell out of here. Xavier you and Ryder carry the cake its extremely heavy for being four tiered. Eric will assemble the other pieces as he and Axel get it over there. Once her starts putting it together he'll only need one of you the other two come back here and help me and Noah with the rest we have four vans to unload and we can be quick. All the goods are on racks. So just grab a rack and hurry along. The room is right through there. We can do this in less than an hour. Let's move team party already started." "Woo." Ryder said. "Sorry just got caught up in the moment." He said helping Xavier grab the bottom two cakes as Eric and Axel grabbed the top two together. She made a huge edible gorgeous diamond that look like it was on fire. Making each layer of cake different popular flavors. She was on her tenth rack only about twenty more to go and they were done and gone she was on the opposite side of the room away from the guys they had spread out food tables where they wanted everything so they were just going along with the planners steps. "Everything looks amazing. "Tony said. As the rest of the guys came up agree kissing her on the head with a hug even Mateo who was smiling widely happy. They all worked hard to get here.

"Am I going to be the only one who doesn't get a hug. Are you not proud of me too" Dimitri asked looking at her. "I am proud and happy for you." She said sticking her hand out to shake. "I just don't think it'd be the same kind of hug they gave coming from you." Dimitri took her hand in his and shook it. "I'll take whatever you're willing to give. Thank you that means a lot. We all worked hard to be here." "I know. I know how much this means for you guy and form the bottom of my heart. I am happy for you, proud of you, and wish you nothing but more success, happiness and growth here. Your work is really something I'm impressed. I mean that deeply for ALL of you." She said looking at Dimitri last with a small smile.

"Thank you very much." He said trying to hold himself back from throwing himself on her into another hug. They guys didn't' leave them alone but managed to turn away not to stare exactly them to make them awkward. "Look Jessie the last time I saw I was drunk and crazy not myself. You know that was not me. I just wanted to apologize for the hurt and concern I caused. I would never intentionally hurt you or mean to cause you harm. I'm so sorry." "It's not ok that it happened. However I do accept your apology, and would like to move on like it never happened. I just need you to know that the way you acted made me almost pass up this job completely. Until Xavier talked me into it. He's always the sense of reason that man." Jessie said happily. Making Dimitri cringe on the inside.

The guys came up to her all but Eric. "Hey baby Eric need you something about a fire diamond and some flames that need to be fixed." Xavier said wrapping his hands around her waist. "Oh crap, I'm coming are you guys all done?" "Yes Cupcake we can leave as soon as you and my man are set." Noah said. "You're not going to stay?" Dimitri asked a litte hurt The rest of the guys looked a little sad." "No this is your big night you don't need me getting in the way of all your guy's hard work and partners, and high end clients." "Your half the reason we even got this far." Mateo said sadly. "You got her because you deserved it, now go out there and keep that true." She said hugging them all and shaking Dimitri's hand. Quickly going across the crowded room to help Eric.

"Not to sound to rude but what are you guys doing here?" Mateo asked glaring a little at Axel who just brushed it off. "Well our cupcake need help form some strong people that stuff gets pretty damn heavy." Ryder chuckled at him. "Well doesn't she have more staff for that?" Dimitri asked. Taking a drink from his cup. "Her team busted their ass to make this in four days, and she still need to have something left for the shop, their all exhausted and the shop is actually being run by the owner and one other person because everyone else couldn't stand up to make it in." Noah added calmly. "Well we are sorry about that we will be sending a card with something extra for all their hard work. It taste amazing." Tony said his mouth full of a cannoli.

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