Chapter 25: Burn Witch Burn

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"What do you think your doing Armando? Why the hell am I here?" Lily spat out angrily. "Do you really need to ask why Lily? Can you no think of one thing you have done, that could bring you here?" Armando asked her as the rest of the men gathered around her pist as hell with another man in a bag next to her in the same position she is in. "Stop talking in riddles and just get straight to the point what's the meaning of all this?" She asked getting annoyed.

"Well you see Lils, you have done something to strongly upset our wives to the point where they have asked us to personally deal with you in any way we deem to see fit." Vincent said with malice. "You not only angered the wives you have upset our boys. You have caused harm to everyone in our families. They want you to pay for what you've done." Dante added. "I haven't one damn thing to your families and you know it." She roared back. "Oh but you have you have harmed them all emotionally and mentally, when you brought physical harm to your own daughter Lils, you know how close we all are to her you know how much she means to all of us, especially my son." Armando growled back.

"Yes you know what you are right about that, tell Moretti even though I am still rooting for Dimitri to win over my daughter. Was she still important to her as he was plunging his way through the city slut? Just how many other girls was he screwing around with when he was with Jessie just so I know that I am not the liar when I told her it was just Chloe. You know just for my own personal benefit to know the real answers to those questions." Lily argued back. Only to have Tavion hand go straight across her face. "You really think your in a place to pass judgment after what you've done?" He snapped at her. Looking back at hi in shock she looked as if he would just bust into flames.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about." She snapped back the answer rolling her eyes at the men in front of her. "Keep rolling your eyes cagna maybe you'll find your brain back there." Marcello said with much attitude. "Dante, if you would please show our guest to Ms. Lily." Armando asked politely. Taking off the bag she sees a man who looks barely even alive with a beaten in, but she knew who he was. That damn Ian she said to herself. Looking up at the men. "Does he look familiar? If not maybe all these recordings, texts, and emails could jog your memory this is you no?" Marcello added. Lily eyes grew wide there was no way out of this. She was now very aware at just how alone she was. Knowing what these men do to people who got on the bad side of their families, she just never told Callan. She knew there was no way she was getting out of this alive anymore.

"Yes that's me. I would do it again. Jessie will not listen to reason. That damn boy in that hick ass country fucking hole in the wall town is only going to drag her down and ruin her life. She needed to see reason before she made the biggest mistake of her life. People think more clearly when there is put in a spot to gain and get perspective. I knew she wouldn't be in any real danger. She is fine. As far as I know it didn't work anyway she is still going to marry that fucking beast boy in a few weeks and we need to find a way to stop it. Why can't any of you realize what I am trying to do? Why won't any of you just fucking HELP ME?!!!" She roared at them. "Questa stronza psicopatica è davvero pazza. Che diavolo c'è che non va in questa donna?" Vincent asked the other men looking at her than around to them.

"You, honestly think putting her in a position where she were to get physically hurt was going to solve anything. That's really the best plan you could have come up with being as educated as you are. Knowing your daughter for almost twenty-eight years that's what you came up?" Marcello asked her. Still in disbelief anyone could do that to their own kid. "I don't understand how you are so calm about this. There was no way. NO DAMN WAY LILY! That you would know she would have been able to walk away with all her parts in the places they are suppose to be in. You could have killed her, you could have made her lose a limb, or internal bleeding. You know how many horrible things could have happened to her and you are just so at peace with this. How?" Dante asked her.

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