Chapter 11: The Mom Cut

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            The next morning Jes woke reaching out to Xavier's side of the bed. "Looking for me?" He teased sitting on the bed dressed and ready to go. "I didn't wan tot wake you but I left my laptop at home and I have to print out some paper work one of the guys will be picking up at my place to day for Noah. SO I'm going to be going home for awhile. While you relax." He said sweetly. How about we stay at your place tonight?" "If that's what you want baby that's fine. I'll just wait for you there than?" "Ya, I'll be there later. Hey wait who called last night?" Jessie asked as she started to make her bed as Xavier helped hesitating for a moment at the question that she asked.

"Well ugh honey that would be your mama." He said in a tone that left her waiting for more of that story, knowing it was her mother it couldn't have been a good thing. Hell her mother not nice to anybody that wasn't her friends, or Dimitri. "Wow, ok what did she say? Did she show her crazy? Are we still together or are you really just up all secretive and quiet like because you were trying to tuck tail and run?" She asked getting nervous. "No baby, ain't nothing in this word strong enough to keep me away from you; and NO it was not good. I wa nothing but nice and considerate. Until she start talking crap and than I may have put in some of my own two cents. That did not leave the conversation at a good point and told her to have a nice day and hung up on her. I did tell her you would call he today. SO all my best wishes and luck and highest of pain killers with you and that phone call." HE said kissing her forehead and running away.

"Wait, what's that suppose to mean? What the hell did you say?" She hollered at him, as he ran out the door locking behind him. "Oh look, at the time by baby." She heard the truck fire up and leave. Swallowing hard she took out her fully charged phone and made a strong cup of sweet tea she just wanted to get this over with. Hitting the send button she knew she would be up and probably still heated for whatever happened last night. It wasn't until the fourth ring did she pick up.

"Oh so you decide to call me back early this morning, that's nice surprise." "Good morning mom. Xavier said you called last night." Jess said in a plain calm tone. "You know what I don't care for that man. He is rude, arrogant, mannerless moron who sounds like all his brain cells went to all those damn muscles. Maybe one to many hits in the head, but you need to cut him loose, before he drops you down to his I.Q." "Xavier is one of the smartest people I ever met mom, he's honorably discharged retired navy seal, who graduated top of his college class. I'm not dumping the best thing that ever happened to me because you don't like him. He's not suppose to live up to your unreachable standards mom, which is fine because he's living up to mine just fine." She said flatly still in a calm voice.

"Excuse yourself child, I have perfect reachable standards. I just have high expectations for someone if they are so well educated to have manners or at least some decorum." She said in a rude tone. "That's the thing mom, you expect everyone to be nice and respectful to you as you belittle, insult, and cut them down. If you want resect and manners maybe you should start showing them a little more than because you are well of age to know by the by now. People are not going to sit around and be put down by someone, who will find a way to try to flip it around and make them seem ignorant mom." "I don't understand how you could even say that about me that's not even true it's not my fault if people can't handle constructive criticism. Honestly everybody getting offended and worked up over every little thing these days is just ridiculous."

"Take a page from that book than mom, because I just gave you some constructive criticism and truth and you just got worked up over it." Again still remaining calm enjoying the points she gets to point out. "Let me get straight to the point of this call. After talking to that boy last night, and after what I heard about the evening you had I decided it's best if you pack your things and came back home. This whole game of your has gone on long enough. Causing scenes in public like that was totally ungraceful and not like you I know and can only imagine all the things Lexi has said. I know you girls had a lot of pint up energy stored up so I'm willing to over look it. You got all this foolishness out of your system now come home and start taking responsibility. How do you think I or Dimirti's mother felt when we saw the condition he came in last night tears all over him uncontrollable sobbing there was no calming that boy. He is so sorry for how he put a fright in you honey, but you need to come home and make this right. There is no one more perfect and made for you than him. So just come home."

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