Chapter 20 || Like butter on popcorn

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Chapter 20 || Like butter on popcorn

His lips were on mine like butter on popcorn.

You know what, no. That's just a gross. I mean the butter on popcorn was kind of gross and, well his lips definitely weren't.

They were actually quite lovely, and distracting, and just generally amazing.

Like Robert Downing Jr. amazing.

Is it weird that I just thought of a celebrity while Noah was kissing me? I mean sure I was consumed in this kiss, but it wasn't like I couldn't have any coherent thoughts while doing so.

You guys probably want to know about the while 'kissing' thing though, don't you?

Horny teenagers I tell you.

Can't really get away from them though, they are literally everywhere. Okay, maybe not everywhere, because I mean the only teenager here was me, and I mean sure Noah was horny, but he wasn't a teenager.

But he was definitely horny, I could totally feel it. If you know what I mean.

I'm pretty sure you know what I mean. It's pretty obvious, you know that function when blood rushes down south, and in turn you get a little erection.

Okay well I wasn't entirely sure if it was little or not.

Too much information? Too much information.

His lips moved against mine more roughly, his hands were on my waist, holding me there- probably still paranoid of me running away.

I mean like I totally didn't get this, I really didn't get the appeal, or the over-attachment. It wasn't like I was gorgeous, I had a normal sized body, love handles and all. Still had them pimples, not as much as when I was younger, but lets face it here ladies! I wasn't out of puberty yet! My body was still producing a larger amount of oil which caused those little zits to show up on my skin. And I mean, I haven't been home, so I haven't exactly been able to take care of them lately, and well they were probably a lot worse then usual.

How on earth do I go into these subjects during a make out session? Starts out with Noah having an erection, ends with me talking about my pimples. Don't try and understand how my brain works, it just wont happen, girlfriend.

But yeah, back to what I was talking about before, (Yeah I am totally going to make you wait on the detes about this kiss, don't judge, let me speak my mind). It wasn't like Noah really got to know me or anything, I mean basically all we did was get mad at each other (really it was me spazzing out on him), and making out. Of course there was the gross dead pig smelling cuddling, but other then that he doesn't really know me at all.

Ugh, guys were totally confusing. Like why couldn't they just tell you the shit that was going on.

Okay that was a little hypocritical since half of the time girls never told guys shit that was going on.

But Noah wasn't telling me a lot. I mean he was a freaking werewolf. And he couldn't take the time to tell me.

How did I find this out? By freaking being attacked by one.

Anyways. I think I am getting a little too off topic now.

Time to get back to the kiss, obviously what you guys have been waiting for the past 500 words.

Yeah sorry about that.

I was sitting on his lap, straddling him. Which I have to say was a little awkward with his thing pocking up. Like couldn't he just put it away? Tuck it in or something? I don't know, jump in a cold lake? There aught to be one near by.

His hands were now running up and down my back, trailing my spine- making the tingles travel across my body.

Holy shiz nuggets! They went down to my toes! How the heck... that has like never happened, like ever.

Out of surprise I gasped, Noah stuck his tongue in my mouth. But damn was it an amazing tongue.

As we continued to partake in swapping saliva I put my hands around his neck, slowly bringing them up to tangle into his dark locks, twisting and pulling at them.

A low groan ripped out of Noah's throat as he pushed me closer to him. Making his southbound situation all the more clear.

We seriously needed to get near a lake.

His hands skimmed under my t-shirt caressing the smooth skin there. I shivered.

He broke away from my lips for merely a second and looked into my eyes, they looked darker then usual, and for a moment it looked as if they flashed yellow.

Suddenly he was attacking my lips with a new ferocity, like something just snapped in him. He ripped my shirt off and turned me over onto my back so I was lying horizontally on the seats, him hovering over me.

His lips were back on mine within seconds and it seemed that his hands were roaming everywhere.

I gulped as I began to feel a little overwhelmed. My hands were quivering as I began to realize the situation I was in.

I tried to push at him as best I could, but it seemed as if he didn't even realize me, what I wanted.

"Noah," I said as he started kissing my neck, nipping and biting at my skin, "Noah stop." I tried to say as confidently as I could, but he didn't listen.

"Noah, Please stop," I said, a small cry coming from my throat.

I gasped as he started grinding his hips into mine.

"Noah, please." I said louder, a cry cracking my voice as the tears slipped down my cheek.

I started squirming under him, to try and get out, but that only seemed to excite him more, grinding his hips harder into mine.

His mouth was grazing over the bite he gave me as his hand trailed up my back and found the latch on the back of my bra.

"Noah!" I said letting out a screech as he stripped my bra off of me. His mouth started trailing down from the spot on my neck, farther and farther down.

I squirmed under him, trying my best to get free "You monster," I said, anger yet defeat evident in my voice.

Suddenly his face lifted from my body as he looked at me with surprise in his eyes, seemingly realizing what he had just been doing.

He scrambled off of me into his original position, the look of regret in his now clear eyes.

"Oh God Sarah, I am so sorry," he said as he reached out towards me, to touch my shoulder. I scrambled back away from him, trying to cover myself with my hands "Stay the heck away from me." I said as the tears still streamed down my cheeks.


So yeah, that happened. Sorry about this turn of events... just when they were making progress too :/ Noah needs to get his act together though...

Anyways vote and comment if you liked this chapter! I would greatly appreciate it :D

Check out my other werewolf book on my profile "That Moment When You Find Out That Werewolves And Vampires Really Do Exist" :D


Votes: 270

Comments: 130

These are not mandatory goals, but I will update sooner if they are met.

God Bless,


P.S. Am i the only one with pimple problems?

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