Chapter 36 || I Love You

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Chapter 36 || I Love You

Noah still wasn't letting me do anything. At all. And that annoyed me. While him, Treesa, Tanner, and Carsten were planning their attack I was here sitting beside Noah doing nothing.

I was practically an invalid. Somehow my 'safety' was viewed as more important than saving the human race, or at least according to Noah.

I was of no use to them, yet apparently I was their Luna? The logic that Noah presented to me was completely illogical. He might as well be another version of Albert Fish.

Yes I was referring to the child serial killer again. Sorry.

But everything Albert Fish did made no sense at all too. I mean he almost raped a disabled man, but felt bad about it and stopped. But then he goes and rapes, tortures and kills innocent children? Now i knew Noah wasn't that bad, but their logic was pretty much the same when it came to absurdity levels.

Anyways, the meeting was over now, and everyone was resting for tomorrow. The only people that actually knew what was going on was Myself, Tanner, Treesa, Alexavier, Noah and Carsten. Noah wanted to keep this somewhat under wraps. Basically the people that were directly involved were the only people that were involved. Alexavier wouldn't even be involved except he was the one who gave orders to a large majority of the army Noah had been building over the years.

Noah was still down in his office going over tomorrows plans with Alexavier. Me and Treesa were hanging out with each other in the mean time.

There was a lounge that was directly outside of the room Treesa was staying in, and we were planning on having a movie night. I was hoping for some cheesy chick flick that had some hot hunk in it, but I had a feeling that Treesa would want to watch something entirely different.

As for everyone else, Tanner was in his room, doing who knows what, (Probably throwing darts at the wall), and I wasn't sure where Carsten was.

Treesa walked into the room carrying  a bowl of popcorn and some smoothies for us.

"Hey do you know where Carsten is?" I asked.

Treesa snorted, "He's probably jerking off to Anaconda music video or something."

A small chuckle came out of my mouth.

"Why do you ask?" Treesa flopped down onto the couch beside me.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know, I was just  thinking about where everyone is, and I didn't know where he was... so yeah." I concluded.

"Your weird..." Treesa said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Lets just hope you have good taste in movies." she said, looking up at the Netflix that was displayed on the TV screen.

Canadian Netflix was actually pretty annoying, and any Canadian would know this, It had like no good shows, and the movies were limited. I used to go down  to the states a lot to see some of my long distance friends, and when we went on their Netflix they had a ten times the amount that we did. Netflix was discriminating against Canadians I tell you...

"I was thinking a chick flick..."


I rolled my eyes. "Fine then, what do you want to watch?"

"I was thinking fast and furious."

I scrunched up my nose and gave Treesa a face.

"What? I want to watch an action movie."

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