Chapter 2 || Bleepidy bleep bleep bleep

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Chapter 2 || Bleediy bleep bleep bleep

Bleepidy bleep bleep bleep.

I feel that since there are young girls reading this, that maybe I should censor my mouth? Oh hell who really cares. I mean six year old are using the F word on a regular basis now. Guess a bunch of thirteen year olds don't need to be censored anymore...

Blah whatever.

At the moment I was being faced with a very scary situation guys. Like mind bogglingly scary. Like there is a scary guy staring me down. Like my brother in law was screaming in the screen of my iPhone. Like I think I am going to die. Girls this crap is scary.

I quickly clicked the end button on my screen, ending mine and Noah's facetime. I quickly stuffed my phone under my bum and looked back up at the dude, taking a big gulp. Looking at the guy staring down at me.

I think I am 4 seconds away from being killed.

The car was parked on the side of the road.

We were in the middle of nowhere.

And he was staring at me like I just killed his baby sister.

I was going to die.

Yup, this was the end guys. I guess my story has already done. So long bitches, it was nice knowing you.

"So...? How is this going to go. Am I going to have to dig my own grave? Or are you going to strangle me, cook me up, and eat me like any junior Albert Fish? Of course that wouldn't really fit his, or your, MO, since like he killed children. But then again I could be considered a child yet, I mean I'm only eighteen so..."

Instead of the angered look that was so prominent on his face before there was merely a look of confusion.

"Or are you like Ted Bundy? Of course you really didn't seduce me to come with you, you more like bit my neck and took me against my will, plus you're not really charismatic.... so.... But yeah, you totally have the cannibalistic tendencies of Albert Fish." I stopped talking for a bit and looked out the window, then I regarded him "yeah I think I am going with the Albert Fish theory." I said.

The confused look remained on his face, "Who the hell is Albert Fish?"

I gave him the look.

All you girls know what the look is, the look that we give every person we know when they don't know something, or in this case someone that is very famous. The blank stare, raised eyebrow. Yeah you all know what I am talking about.

"Don't look at me like that" I heard him growl.

I rolled my eyes "Whatever, if you are going to kill me, I am not going to give you the honour of understanding my ramblings." I crossed my arms over my chest.

He growled again, his look was not of confusion any longer, it was back at the angry point. Yay! Okay maybe that wasn't the right word, probably more like crap.





crap I was totally going to die now.

"So... how is this going to go?" I asked staring at the dude in front of me.

He clenched his jaw, then turned to the front, didn't even answer me, just started the car back up and started driving again.

Well I guess a part of his torture was the anticipation.

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