Chapter 12 || Could've at least made it a dodge

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Chapter 12 || Could've at least made it a dodge

The way Noah was acting seriously was not human. No one growled like that, unless you were drunk and trying to act like a dog.

That actually happened once. I think I was sixteen or something. And I had worked a seriously long day, I was bordering on eighteen hours at that point I think.

I had this job where I would go to markets, but for these markets you would have to leave like super duper early in the morning. Anyways, I had gotten up at 1:30 a.m. and worked till around six in the evening. After which I then went to my second job. Which was a catering service.

You know, I would have to do all the dirty work; cleaning up peoples plates, taking wine glasses and such. But there was this one table with this dude that was wasted at literally 7 o'clock that evening.

It was freaking hilarious! Cause he was acting like a dog. Literally. He was growling and pretending his hands were paws and everything! I have to say that made my night. Of course, later on when I went to clean up their dishes the guy hit on me, but that was funny even, because he was trying to be all seductive pretending to be a cat.

Best. Catering event. Ever.

Seriously though, drunk people were the best. They always got a good laugh out of you.

So yeah, I guess there was a possibility that Noah miraculously ended up drunk. But I didn't see him drink anything in the past twenty-four hours, so i think that could justifiably ruled out.

But any other option could be justifiably ruled out also, because every idea that entered my mind was literally impossible.

There was vampires, I mean the whole lust for my blood thing was something that Noah had. But then again I didn't think that vampires growled... or did they?

Then there was werewolf's. I mean sure, what's his face with the uneven jaw from Teen Wolf had a certain lust for the blood of the girls who's name I can't remember right now. But he never really did anything. He always restrained himself.

Yeah, I really only remember Stiles. He is the only one worth remembering.

Well that is except for Hotty McHotter. Aka Derek.

But anyways! Albert Fish seemed to like biting into my neck quite a lot. So I think that werewolves can be ruled out. Waitt, didn’t werewolves like to eat humans? But he didn’t eat me...

God! I don't even know anymore! Bleh, all I wanted to do was go home. Then I would finally be able to put my mind at rest and prepare for finals.

Of course that really isn't putting my mind at rest was it?

Oh there was no way of putting this mind to rest. Let’s face it.

I still wanted to go home though.

Even if Dylan O’brien was waiting for me.

I mean I still had Once Upon A Time. And I was totally missing out on the  4th season. And God knows I have to know what happens! I mean  I had to know if the devilishly handsome pirate won over Emma's heart!

Iliterally had to know.

Oh yeah, devilishly handsome pirate is code name for Captain Hook. Just thought I would clear that up for you all.

Anyways! Basically there is no probable reason why Noah acts the way he acts. Well he could be insane. Like Albert Fish.

I just hope he doesn't have religious delusions, I don't want to be sacrificed...

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