Chapter 9 || Really want me to move?

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Chapter 9 || Really want me to move?

I do believe I was drunk. Or high. Maybe I was just hallucinating. I didn't even know anymore! I think I was going to go clinically insane.

I mean how else would I end up in a vehicle with my kidnapper... bringing me home? I swear this must be some big hoax.

He was probably going to take me to the woods and murder me, I mean what was stopping him? I had clearly aggravated him. Like literally, he looked like he could kill somebody. I was too young to die, way too young.

I mean... I am sure that Dylan O'brien was waiting for me, and damn it! Noah was ruining my chances with him!

Now girls, don't get all catty about it, me and Dyl were clearly made for eachother. I mean, he had black hair, I had black hair. It was meant to be. Wait, was his hair black...? I'm not really sure; it could be a dark brown...

But anyways, back to the subject at hand.

Noah was going to kill me, or he was going to kill us. At this point I wasn't entirely sure which would win out first.

I guess I should really explain the situation we were in at the moment.

Noah was driving at enormously high speeds. Like, I swear the car was going to just spin out and we would crash into an enormous tree, and then we would all die. Just like that, a snap of the fingers, and boom; we would both be goners.

Not that I was complaining to losing an existence like Noah, I mean, I am sure that the universe of all girls being kidnapped by random dudes would be grateful. I know I would be grateful. Of course, with the car crashing into an enormous tree, well that would end my existence along with his, and i still had to win a game of hockey against Jeremy Louise. So ya know. That still had to happen.

Oh, yeah sorry about that. Jeramy is some dude that I know from like when I was two. and we are both kind of competitive when it comes to hockey. He won the last game we played together. Well technically his team did. Mine lost. So yeah, I had to beat him one more time before I died.

I should probably get on with the story.

"So..." I trailed off.

I didn't know what to say, should I even be talking at the moment? Man, who knew that talking to people could be so difficult. Of course I guess this was a special incident since he was my kidnapper, but what was I freaking supposed to say?

Ugh, life as a capturee was hard I tell you.

Noah looked over at me "What?" He said in a voice laced with anger and frustration. I guess an hour and half on the road did nothing to calm his temper.

"Well I was just sort of wondering what you are doing? Like I know that you're supposed to bring me home, and well you say that you are taking me home. But you can be very unpredictable at times. So I was wondering what was happening. Are you actually bringing me home, or are you going to kill me in the middle of the woods where no one would ever find my body? I mean thats something I wouldn't really put past you, you know since you clearly like the taste of my flesh and all." I said. “But wait! That wouldn’t work, because technically you wouldn’t have to hide my body, since, well you would have eaten it.”

I heard Noah let a low growl, something that did not sound human, at all. I was beginning to think back to my earlier assumption that he was like a werewolf or something. I mean what else would make that sound? It was the only logical explanation!

Okay, I was officially losing my mind here. Where these crazy ideas come from I have no idea. Oh wait, that's right; Teen Wolf.

I really needed to stop watching shows like that, they were bad for my brain cells.

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