Chapter 35 || Not You

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Should I write and office romance? Yay or nay?

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Chapter 35 || Not You

"This is how it's going to go down." Noah said. He stood at the head of the conference room table, "Myself, Tanner, and Treesa are going to go into the camp to meet Lycaon."

"Why the fuck are we going?" Tanner asked snidely.

"Because, you're disposable, jackass," Carsten said.

Tanner rolled his eyes "Shut up, nobody likes you Carsten."

I looked over and smiled at Tanner, "For once I actually agree with you on something"

"Bout time," he rolled his eyes again. Tanner looked over at Noah, "But seriously. Why are we going in together? Last time I checked Lycaon wanted to make this deal with you; not with us."

Noah cleared his throat. "As much as that may be true, Lycaon doesn't seem to like you or your family very much. That being said I'm assuming he won't want you to be alive. You're a peace offering from me to him.

Tanner stood up from his chair, shoving away from the table. "That's it, I'm out," He started to walk away.

"Sit down, you didn't let me finish." Noah's voice darkened as he ordered Tanner to sit back down.

Tanner turned around, his lip lifted up in disgust, and a look of complete and utter disregard was evident in his eyes. "Last time I checked, you weren't, aren't or will ever be my leader. Don't ever tell me what to do again. Ever." His voice was hard, darkening with every word that left his mouth.

"I may not be you're leader, but you can either die now, or you can sit down and let me explain this, and maybe we will make it out of this predicament alive." Noah said, venom lacing his tone.

He kind of reminded me of Derek Hale from Teen Wolf. You know with the whole ordering people around, and being scary as shit in general.

Tanner clenched his jaw, and finally sat back down.

I sighed when he did so.

"Now, Treesa, you, and me are going into the camp to meet with Lycaon. Lycaon doesn't like you guys so you're going to be a peace offering on my end of the deal. But in reality, you, me, and Treesa are going to try and take Lycaon out." Noah finished.

"And what about me?" Carsten asked, "Am I just going to stay here and twiddle my thumbs?"

Noah gave Carsten a flat expression, "That is exactly what you are going to do."

A look of disbelief entered Carsten's face when he heard what Noah said.

Noah rolled his eyes when he looked at Carsten. "I was kidding. You, along with Alexavier and his men are going to survey the outer perimeters, and be prepared to attack if something goes amiss."

Tanner let out a snort and gave Carsten a smug look, "Stuck on lookout, like the dog you really are."

Carsten let out a growl, "Watch it, hunter."

Before things could get out of hand I spoke, "What about me?" I asked.

Noah glanced over at me. And from the way his lips were sealed in a straight line and the look in his eyes I knew the answer he was going to give me.

"Noah..." My voice lowered and I leveled my eyes with his own.

"You're staying here." He finally said, his voice was strong as if nothing I could say was going to change what he had already made up in his mind.

My jaw clenched and I took a deep breath in threw my nose. He expects me to stay here, and twiddle my thumbs while he was trying to kill Lycaon and save all of humanity? I mean I knew I was no cat women, or black widow, but I can do more than just sit around on my ass and watch hockey wives.

"And why is that?" I asked.

Noah looked at me for a moment, and just stared into my eyes. Not in the dreamy 'I'll love you forever eyes,' but more like the 'is it really worth getting into it with her' eyes.

"You just can't go."

I raised an eyebrow.

He raised an eyebrow.

I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath in and tried to think with reason in this situation. I got that he didn't want me to get hurt, I was his mate, and from what I understood that provoked a lot of protectionism within him, but on the other hand I was technically the Luna, which gave me certain rights. Again, from what I understood.

"I thought the Luna was supposed to stay by your side? Or some shit like that. Wouldn't that make it reasonable for me to go with you for this 'business meeting'?" I asked.


"Why not?"

"Because, my job as your mate is t o protect you, and letting you come with me wouldn't be protecting you."

Tanner made noise of disapproval, "Technically it would be a bit strange for you to show up without Sarah. Supposedly you aren't going into the meeting with the intent of killing Lycaon. It is supposed to be a civil meeting which constitutes taking Sarah with you, as her mate."

"Damn, Tanner. We're on a roll. The second thing we've agreed on something today." I said smiling while holding up my hand to fist bump his hand.

He looked at my hand, rolled his eyes and left me hanging. The little bitch.

"Rejection..." Carsten mumbled from across the room.

"Says the man who's never gotten laid." Treesa said from beside him. She looked over at me and gave me a wink. Girl power.

Carsten said nothing.

"Easy bout dishen out them insults if you can't handle it when they get thrown back atch ya, pal." Tanner scoffed.

"Okay that's enough. Carsten is my beta-"everyone looked at Noah, and then at Carsten (who had the most smug look on his face.) "And as much as he can be a pussy in most instances he still deserves some respect. He's my beta."

Treesa gave Noah an incredulous look, "even when he's disrespecting us?"


I looked up at Noah, "even when he's disrespecting me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Noah looped an arm around my waist, "Not you."

And then we went back to planning.

Noah leaned over and his breath spanned across the side of my face, and he whispered, "You're still not going."

This time I ignored him, we would discuss it later.


Sorry for the filler guys... The next chapter will have more action in it for sure :D 

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God Bless, 


P.S. Who wants me to do birthday shout-outs?

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