Chapter 15 || Tattered and bloody

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Chapter 15 || Tattered and bloody

I saw as the bullet sunk into the skin of the beast in front of me.

Or shall I say werewolf?

Yeah I was still coming to terms with that one. I mean who would have thought that werewolves actually existed?I mean I just shot of freaking werewolf.

A werewolf.

And i actually wasn’t freaking out all that much.

It was probably all the Teen Wolf that i watched that helped me except this more thoroughly. Or maybe the fact that i wasn't really having time to process this properly.

I mean seriously, I just shot a werewolf. who can actually say that? I know you can't. Okay maybe you have, I don't really know you…

But I mean, I think i should be freaking out right now. Maybe I should just wait for this whole ‘scene’ to be over so that i could start freaking out.

that is if it was ever over and we actually survived this I was going to blow my top at someone for not filling me in on this ever so vital detail.

I was totally going to go all Rachel Berry on someone.

Glee reference.

like seriously you have not seen me blow my top yet. I would be on Treesa like Scott Mccall was on Allison Argent. Only like, not in a romantic way. More in the 'I am going to kill you with sheer absurdity of my words' way.

Yeah, she was going down.

And Noah.

And Tristan.

And Tanner.

And whoever the heck knew about werewolves, or were werewolves and decided not to fill me in on that detail.

Anyways, back to the part the where i shot the werewolf.

The werewolf shook it head a bit, then it's eyes locked back on mine, giving me a wickedly evil grin- and no, this one cannot be compared to Damon Salvatore, it was just tens times more creepy- it's hand reached up, it claws protruded from the tips of his finger and it reached up to the back of it's head.

Keeping his eyes on me, and the evil grin on his face, his hand dug around till it came out with a silver bullet. Holding it between his forefinger and thumb he twirled it around for a minute.

Then popped it into his mouth and swallowed it. Spitting the blood out onto my face in mockery.

Gulping hard I just sat there for a moment. Waiting to see what happened next.

Suddenly the beast lunged at me, wrapping it's large claws around my neck and thrusting me out of the truck window.

Which I have to say is really something considering it was a small window.

Like I should seriously become one of those magic girls that fit in those tiny boxes.

Damn I would be so good at that.

But yeah, I mean even though it was awesome realizing that i could fit through such a small area of space, it didn;t make me ignore all the cuts that the glass my on my arms when the beast pulled me out.

But that wasn't the least of my problems.


I mean there was a beast holding me around by the neck.

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