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16th Day 60. I know I'm adapted decently to wolfblood dna now. I just have a few different focuses so the progress is more spread out.

17th Day 61. Not much.

18th Day 62. Not much.

19th Day 63. Feeling like howling and running in the snow with wolves.

20th Day 64. Not much.

21st Day 65. I had a wolf dream! It was so cool. I was in trouble so I tried my best doing a wolf howl. (Me and my friends were kidnapped in a forest) wolves actually came! I also saved other wolves from being badly treated and calmed them down. They were so little! Some were wolf dogs bred with high amounts of wolf. Cute lil fluffers though. I think I can shift as well now. I'm just too scared to. While I put off listening to the subliminal. I focused on a project relevant to it. It's helping everything I'm doing. This subliminal included.

22nd Day 66. I had another wolf dream! Sadly I forgot it from earlier. I'm also using my own subliminal occasionally. It gives me results within the first day or two.

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