Day 91-98

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17th Day 91. The door was left unlocked? I dont remember a lot of that night...

18th Day 92. Mostly focused on cooling off from heat outside.

19th Day 93. I feel balanced atm. I'm adapting more to what I am as a whole. At the same time. I'm taking nootropics to help.

(I absolutely do not condone doing such. Some in my opinion could be as bad as drugs. I of course try to avoid those ones. Keep in mind I'm also old enough to drink. That means my brain might also be more developed to do such things. If you choose to do nootropics anyway. I'll make a wattpad book on them so others can be aware of it.) *It will be based off my opinion, or experience with that nootropic. I will clarify which when going into detail of the specific nootropic.*

20th Day 94. I had a wolf dream.

21st Day 95. Watched wolf vids.

22nd Day 96. Idk.

23rd Day 97. Feeling growly. Wanting to go out side/stir crazy. Craving meat slightly.

24th Day 98. Idk.

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