Recording Accountability Here

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Days 1-3✅

Day 4✅ Today I looked further into various numbers people give for doing things. I'm still looking into it but so far I found this and thought about it. So 10,000 hours would be to master something. This is actually an average though. Some *very few* take 25,000, or more hours to master a task. Regardless of the task. To learn it though would probably take 20 hours straight of commitment. 4 days refining it maximum to be decent at basics enough to complete a project. At least for me! For more complex things that were a more abnormal/advanced thing. I'd say 20-80 hours depending on complexity and how much stuff was new. What this means for subliminals:

For listen once subliminals: one listen is like one super simple drawing. The more you listen. The more it looks like a more detailed drawing/you wetmore results.

For subliminals that say listen (fill in the blank time) These ones I would base off hours put into a skill. Think of it this way. Supernatural reflexes is being good with your reflexes. So you're training your reflexes every time you listen. The less rusty you are. The faster the full results. Boosters help too. Boosters are what make the results faster. If you go off how long it takes to form a habit. If the fact is true. In 254 days max of listening to a subliminal. When the subliminal says instant results. Your mind will give you instant results. It will finally understand the concept after it let go of old habits from the time passed. I might actually add to my subliminal booster for youtube after discovering this. XD

For hypnosis: 1 hour a day. This will vary a lot. Could take 3 months. Could take 5, or more years. Some say certain brains are impossible to hypnotize. I believe it's just more difficult vs impossible. I think they just got fed up mostly with trying. Its typically when the person has extreme issues paying attention. Anyways! That's it for now. If I find more relevant things I'll add to this.

Giving this is Biokinesis though in a form. I'd say practice an hour every day. Pyrokinisis took me a hour the first time to put the flame out/do it consistantly. Biokinesis took an hour, or few. Probably an hour each day for a week until I saw something occur. It's also been instinctual though. Quality of practice can help determine how long it takes so definitely remember that.

(It takes 2-4 weeks to build muscle memory! I think this is important when considering something that is an automatic behaviour maybe)
Day 5 December 11th 2021✅
It's been nearly 11 hours. Half way to the 20 hour mark. Thinking more about it. For me personally I think I'm starting to agree with the quality of practice theory and the 20 hours.

I took out the bulk of clutter distracting me and tried to shift physically. Yes its day 5, but I did stuff previously/still have been.

My findings: The closer I got to shifting. The worse the meat cravings. That was a result unrelated directly to anything I recently did that I know of. So if you wanna avoid meat cravings. Please put it in your affirmations! XD

I thought because, I knew I was unable to get meat yesterday. It would cause me to physically shift out of need. I guess I needed to give myself more time. My affirmations makes it so I can shift during any moon phase. The only thing is things just went wonky. I kinda shifted. Mostly I just craved meat abnormally bad and couldn't talk straight to people. Plus I was very short tempered.

*I highly recommend you eat meat when craving it. Please try to avoid starving yourself, or your wolf form. I have done multiple fasts before, craved blood in public badly and had slight help from others so I go less awol. The fact that I trained in some form and still went awol should say something. I am an absolute reckless self experimental creature occasionally so you can choose to be the opposite! Please use the results as info/knowledge vs repeating my experiments XD*
Day 6 December 12th✅ feels like my brain is doing genetic reshuffling so I'll try to keep it straight to the point. I'm 15 hours into my 20 hour theory of how long it takes to learn vs master a skill. This means in this period I can expect one side effect/result, or multiple/all of them to randomly occur at least once. After the 20 hours I figure out the why. Like my veins going black randomly and feeling the genetic difference. Plus I almost was gonna just out a car door as I shifted and run into a forest. Keep in mind I previously listened to subliminals of various things and I'm highly trained over years of sensing energy. This is why I know and am so affected. If you want similar results, then hmu on here and I'll teach/train you.
Day 7 December 13th. Today I almost hit the 20 hour mark as I'm listening to this. In less than six minutes I'll have hit the time mark of the first theory. I have had almost all the side effects/results to a degree. I'm still in the learning stage supposedly though so it's been interesting.

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