accountability 2

18 1 0

December 14th Day 8✅: I was a bit sensitive to sounds, but that's about it.

December 15th Day 9✅: I've been listening for: 25 hours now. Well see what happens later today. So im unsure what my own subliminal i made is doing to me. I think that spuld say something. I woke up ready to spit out bones. My 3rd eye was sore and I went full on wolfblood regarding mental shifting. I feel like stitch from lilo and stitch 2 when he's glitching out. I mean for me I accept it vs stitch was going haywire, but it's the same level of something taking over. I think I have training to do. This also makes me think perhaps days and time are important. So maybe all 3 times really are right.

The 20-48 hours to get the full basics *including physical shifting* because I'm on 25 hours worth of listening time.

The 254 hours of listening. Possibly for 254 days straight. This is to officially change everything more accurately/gain more control than random one off situations.

The 10000 hours generally guesstimated to physically shift. I'm sorry I gtg. That hurt my 3rd eye a lot and I feel strange. I legit think it's the tingling before shifting. Crap XD

Listened a bit more before heading out and I'm actually starting to wolf out in places. Training has yet to kick in XD

December 17th Day 10✅: Idk yet. I'm in limbo. Still just trying to hit those goals.

December 18th Day 11✅: was busy most of the day.

December 19th Day 12✅: have to check how long I've been listening so far. I feel extremely connected to stuff though. I used to have zero stuff working here power wise. By here I mean at the other place I'm staying I only occasionally go to. I'm far more connected to the non human parts of the world though. It's like time froze. Apparently the last two days my energy has been sky high and I didn't realize till now. I feel like bouncing off the walls like I had 5 cups of caffeine XD

Sorry I havent posted in a bit. Someone in the family recently passed. I've been cleaning up messes.

I rewatched Wolfblood recently though and apparently forgot one big thing. The theory they have is very similar to real science and how Gene's  work. It's why people are experimenting with things like CRISPR. Anyway! It basically means watching the last bit of the very last season/episode of that show, also explains non humans. My theory was everyone was non human, but the change was mental. After all the brain for the most part affects everything else. Between memory and pre existing genetics. Both can fill in the blanks. Mastering your mind is allowing yourself to do anything. When you are yourself and you know yourself. It will probably be a lot easier to notice automatic habits. Although I'll have to further test the theory

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