September 14th Day ???

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Hey, just wanted to say I'm sorry. I know I wasn't on here for a bit updating these results, or journals. I have been training every night though still. I always am highly dedicated night, day, tired, or not. My only lack of dedication is in regards to posting results, because that's not really for myself. It was, but I outgrew it as a person. I finally figured out how to shift and was what was important. If I lose my way, or I feel like posting again I might. If anyone tries to comment on here, or message me. I'll definitely respond. How things are going I'm just not sure I'll write again soon is all. I took some time away during my birthday. I would say high stress was the excuse, but I dont really have an excuse. I just don't need to do this anymore. If you wanna learn the easiest way to shift. I finally found it. I dont call it a method exactly, but in a way it is a form of teaching. If I dont put it in my shifting guide on here. I'll make a new book called: The Connection Of Healing.
It'll tell you everything you should need to know in regards to actually shifting. Let this be possibly the final book of knowledge I give you all. It was an honor to share such a thing with people. Even if they never knew me :)

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