Chapter Twenty: Burning

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Zoey never really considered herself the jealous type, but something about Erin expressing interest in someone else made her blood boil.

Maybe it was the timing. She confessed her feelings for Erin and days later, she's talking about someone else.

Zoey bit her tongue during the majority of her conversation with Erin that day.
She really, really wanted to bluntly say, "Stop talking. Do you know how damn frustrating it is for me to hear you talk about someone else after I just told you that I like you?"

But she didn't. She just laid next to Erin and let her ramble on and on.

What was she supposed to do now? She had a lot of feelings towards Erin, normally love and joy, but now she blatantly felt angry.
What was she supposed to do with her anger?

Thinking about Erin now just made her heart burn with fiery rage.
She was furious at Erin for bringing someone else up right after she'd confessed her feelings.

To face Erin again would only make her feel worse.
Right then and there, she decided that she would take some time away from her.

Maybe after some time had passed, she could get her emotions under control and talk to Erin properly.

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