Chapter Twenty-Eight: Three Words

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It was near the end of August and Zoey was at Erin's house one Saturday.

Erin was working on a drawing in her sketchbook.
Zoey sat close to her, looking over her shoulder.
"What are you drawing?"

"Us. It'll look better when it's done." Erin said, erasing a bit of the drawing and wiping the eraser shavings off the piece of paper.

A little while later, Erin signed her name at the bottom of the page, cautiously ripped it out of her sketchbook, and handed it to Zoey.
"Woah, it looks really good." Zoey commented, grinning at the drawing.

Erin's heart fluttered at Zoey's happy grin.
Along with everything else, Erin really loved her smile.

On the piece of paper, Erin had drawn herself sitting in front of Zoey, who was playing her guitar. Small hearts and music notes surrounded them. "Thank you." Zoey said.
Erin smiled at her proudly.
"You're welcome."

A couple minutes later, she put the drawing into her backpack.
She soon went back to Erin's nook, sitting next to her.

She thought to herself for a long minute, before saying,
"Erin, come here."

Erin was a little confused, since she was already sitting so close to her.
"How am I supposed to get any closer?" She asked, smiling with a look of curiosity in her eyes.

"You could, uh... you could sit on my lap, if you wanted to. You don't have to, though." She offered.

She had an idea in mind, but she didn't really know why Erin sitting on her lap was a part of it.

Erin was looking at her, her cheeks were bright red and butterflies were flying around in her stomach.
"Oh, um, I want to." She replied.

Zoey sat with her legs crossed.
Erin sat comfortably on her lap, her legs were on either side of Zoey, who's hands rested on her waist.
Erin's hands rested on Zoey's shoulders.

"Are you, are you comfortable?" Erin asked.
"Yes. Are you?"

Zoey took one hand off Erin's waist and reached up slightly to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear.
"Have I ever told you that I love you?"

Erin's heart fluttered again and the butterflies in her stomach were flying faster than before.
So far, Zoey hadn't verbally said those three words to her.

She'd shown her that she loved her in plenty of ways, but she hadn't said it out loud yet.

"No, you haven't. You love me?"
"Yes, Erin. I love you, I really, really love you. I've never loved anybody as much as I love you." Zoey said, looking up at Erin, who was bright red and smiling giddily.

Erin was truly very happy right now.
She'd never had anyone say that they loved her romantically.

"I love you, too. I didn't know I could love someone so much. You make me so, so happy."
"You make me happy, too." Zoey smiled.

Just when she thought she couldn't be any happier, here she was, sitting with her girlfriend, telling her how much she loved her, as happy as can be.

Erin held Zoey's face in her hands and leaned down a bit, Zoey's hands were still on her waist.
She kissed her for a few sweet seconds.

It felt as if she was in a little bubble, alone with no one but Zoey.
She wished she could stay in this bubble forever.

"What the fuck?!" A voice shouted.
Erin pulled away and her heart stopped.

There stood Carol, the angriest expression that Erin had ever seen, on her face.

Without much thought, Zoey hastily shoved Erin off of herself.
The force of the shove caused for Erin to hit her head on the wall behind her.

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