♕ 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑹 68 ♕

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Hi guys!! How are u all doing? Anyways let's start the chapter,
Previously: Reem, Jaan and Vaish took Avu for shopping which was actually planned by Sid so she is distracted the whole day with the proposal. There they bought a dress for Avu and that is the dress she wore to go out with Sid. Sid then proposed her and she said yes. So Sid hugged her very firmly showing his happiness and love!
Let's continue.
They both were hugging for 5-10 minutes after that they parted the hug!

 -----------------------------------------------------------They both were hugging for 5-10 minutes after that they parted the hug!

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Then, Sid took Avu's hand and literally pulled her behind him. She kept on asking him 'where are u taking me?' and the only thing he said is 'have patience my love' and hearing that our Queen would melt and keep quiet. After sometime they reached somewhere but it was completely dark, so Avu looked at Sid confused but she saw that he wasn't there. She looked around trying to find him. Suddenly she heard a snap and she looked behind and saw a beautiful set table with dinner. She smiled widely and went there. Sid pulled out a chair for her and made her sit and then sat opposite to her.

(the set up) Avu- You did this all by yourself? Sid- Yep, I hope u like it? Avu- Nope

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(the set up)
Avu- You did this all by yourself?
Sid- Yep, I hope u like it?
Avu- Nope............... I love it!! (she said while getting up and then she hugged Sid)
Sid parted the hug and they were still very close to each other. Sid leaned in for a kiss and was about to kiss her when she kept her hand on his lips and said,
Avu- U can't kiss me yet, u see I have said yes to marry u but after one condition!
Sid- Condition!!?
Avu- Yes Mr. Nigam, condition! Before the marriage, in all the functions u have to apologize to me and make me trust u that u will always trust me and never leave me! Cause I can't live without u! (she said the last line in a whisper voice)
Sid understood that he had apologized to he once but she too had suffered a lot because of a misunderstanding and lack of trust from his side. So he nodded and said,
Sid- Ok, so now the wedding is within this month itself so the functions will start soon. Now wait and watch my love how I gain ur trust back! (he said winking at her and flicking her nose)
Avu- So now can we sit down, or u want to stay like this forever?
Sid- Are u kidding me! If I could I would keep u in my arms forever and never let u go!
Avu- Ok, now I am hungry lets eat! (she said with a pout)
Sid nodded and called a waiter who brought them the food. When Avneet saw the food she got excited and shouted,
Avu- U got me cheese fries, cheese pasta and milkshake!!! Thank you I was craving this stuff since I didn't get lunch because of shopping!!
Sid- *chuckles* Ok, my queen now you can start eating
Avu- When will u stop calling me different name first u called me love and now my queen?
Sid- Well from now on get used to it, cause I love you more than anything or anyone in this world and I am a very romantic person. Now u will only hear these names from me :) Also everyone knows the Queen and anyone can easily fall in love with u, but from now on u won't be the Queen u will be My Queen, only mine!
Avu- Ok, so now lets eat!!
Sid nods and both of them start eating and talking :)

Meanwhile with the others,
They all were sitting in the hall and we're discussing something.
Abhi- What if Sid doesn't propose properly and says something stupid and choti says no! (he said panicking)
Jai- Yeah exactly and here u girls are figuring out the name of their children!! How are u so chill!?
Faisu- Exactly and will u stop preparing their future and lets call them!!
Jaan- Are u crazy Faisu!! They must be on their dinner date and must be talking. We know our Sidneet, Sid won't say anything stupid and Avu will say yes to him!
Vaish- Yep!! And as for us, we are just helping them choose some names for their kids. Like till now we came up with Ananya, Jiya or Maira for girls and for boys Aarav, Daksh or Rohan!!
Khalla- Oh god, u guys have planned so much girls and boys don't worry I know my baccha's they both must be on the dinner date :)
All nodded and they too had dinner and started watching a movie!

Back to Sidneet,
They had finished their dinner and headed to the car. Avu was going to open the door when Sid stopped her and opened the door for her and did a little bow thing like she was royalty! Then he closed the door and rushed to his side, and sat in the car. Avu looked at him with a weird face.
Sid- Well I don't have much time before our wedding so my apology/trust/love starts from tonight and I don't mind it cause I love u too much already! ❤😉
Avu- Let's go now, anyways I am too tired because of the shopping. They headed back to the mansion, on the way back they were talking. After a few mins Sid was saying something but when he didn't hear a response he looked on his side and he saw Avu was sleeping. He chuckled and covered her with his coat so that she can be comfortable. After around 10-15 mins they reached the mansion and it was already dark as it was midnight. So he gave the keys to a guard to park the car and he picked Avu and took her inside. When he reached inside he saw all of them sitting in the living room and they were looking at him with a smirk 😏

He chuckled knowing that he gonna be teased a lot. So he gestured them to keep quiet and he dropped Avu to her room and made her comfortable. Then he kissed her forehead and said,
Sid- Good night angel, I love you and after today all the days are going to be the best for u. I will make them special for u and I hope u can forgive me :)
Then he went downstairs and sat with the gang and khalla.
Abhi- So I am guessing everything went right and we should start preparing the wedding!? 😏
Sid nodded blushing 🙈☺
Vaish- OMG!! We need to start shopping and everything from tomorrow, we have to look at venues for all the functions, invite people!
Khalla- Lets start from tomorrow itself as we have to start the other functions of marriage too!
Sid- Just one thing................... (then he told them about the condition Avu gave him and all his plan)
Jaan- Ok! So u do that and help us choose stuff and we will help u :)
Sid nodded and after some more discussion all went to sleep. Sid wanted to see Avu before sleeping, just to see if she was fine. So he went near and started caressing her hair. He was about to leave but Avu had held his had too tightly. So he decided to sleep their itself. So he laid down beside Avu and as soon as he did that Avu snuggled into his chest. Sid chuckled and just hugged her!! And they both slept 🙈😍

 Sid chuckled and just hugged her!! And they both slept 🙈😍

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Till then,
Bye!! 💕

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