5. Surprise Me (Alec)

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   We are sitting on the high stools on the three sides of the kitchen island. I can call my state of mind nothing less than off balance. Sam has pinned his eyes on my face, sipping blissfully his coffee with a sly smirk. I find nothing better to do but stuff the fourth muffin in my mouth. They are delicious. I need to stop, though, before starting to burp.

   "Are you Sammy's friend, honey?" Auntie Rose asks cheerfully.

   I can not say I and Sam are friends. The weird tone, in which she says the word, makes me even more hesitant to confirm the title.

   "We are coworkers," I incomprehensibly hum since my mouth is still full.

   "Oh!" She purses her lips in disapproval, probably thinking that I also "make people drink alcohol" just like Sam.

   "I am a chef," I quickly add, feeling the need to defend myself under her judgmental stare.

   Auntie Rose instantly beams. "How wonderful! Admirable occupation. I can always appreciate a young man with good skills in the kitchen." The reproachful glance is aimed at Sam this time. He does not seem to give a damn about it.

   "You are skin-and-bones, dear," she continues after giving me a good look from head to toes. "You'd better also eat what you cook. You look quite hungry indeed." I instantly put back on the tray the fifth muffin I had taken without even noticing. She goes unfazed, "Didn't Sammy offer you dinner? I left some marvelous steaks in the oven yesterday, only to find them untouched. It is no surprise that you have passed out on the sofa."

   She looks at me questioningly, and I feel obliged to say something.

   "Oh, he gave me to try some of..." I hear a loud cough, coming from Sam's direction and peek at him. He's making strange expressions. "... his cock..." I stop puzzled in the middle of the sentence. What does he want?

   "My dearest God!" the auntie shrieks, covering her mouth with her hand.

   "Cocktail," I squeak, realizing what I've just said. "He offered me a drink. It was sweet. I didn't know it was also very strong. It..."

   My rant has no effect on the outraged woman, who jumps up, grabs her bag and almost runs to the door.

   She turns around, just before leaving, pointing a finger at Sam who is gazing at her with his mouth agape. "I am telling everything to your mother this time, you varmint. I've had enough of your indecent behavior. Today's youth has no sense of propriety."

   The finger moves towards me then, making me shrink in my seat. "Shame on you!"

   She dashes out, slamming the door behind her.

   "Oh, my God!" I gasp, wishing the ground to swallow me somehow, right at this instant.

   The tense silence lasts only for a few seconds, wiped away by rapturous laughter. I glare at Sam, who is holding his stomach, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

   "You are quite something, Alec," he snorts through uncontrollable cackles. "If I knew you were such an adorable disaster, I would've invited you for a drink a long time ago."

   "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scandalize your auntie," I start to apologize when I figure out what he just said. "What? You would?"

   "Definitely." Sam winks at me and nods in confirmation. "And don't worry about Rose. She'll be right back in no time. It is her personal mission to lecture me and report to my mother any information about my sinful life that she manages to get hold on."

   "Huh?... Oh!" Unfortunately, the warm feeling that spreads through my body does not ease my utter embarrassment.

   Sam walks around the counter and stands in front of me, playfully tilting his head to the side. I try to hide my burning cheeks in my palms, but he grabs my chin with two fingers and brings his face closer. "You know that you're damn cute, right? But it won't help you get away so easily."

   "W-what d-do you m-mean?" I stutter in dismay.

   "You'll cook for me tonight," Sam states. "It will be your punishment. I want you here at six. Text me what you need before you come, Mr. Cute Chef."

   "What if I say no?" I mutter.

   "You want to say no?" Sam raises a brow.

   "No," I barely mumble. He has expressive brows. Their soft arch becomes prominent when they move. Fascinating. Does he trim them, or maybe use some beauty product? They are too perfect to be entirely natural...

   "Then you want to say yes?" Sam's voice startles me out of musing on his charms.

   This is definitely a trap. I have no idea what I want to say. He is too close for me to think. His fingers are warm. My skin tingles under the touch. I feel his coffee scented breath on my face. He smells of vanilla, sandal wood, and something spicy that makes my head spin.

   "Yes," I finally gasp in defeat.

   "Then I'll wait for you," he whispers, rubbing his thumb on my bottom lip. "Surprise me!"


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Hello, at the end of chapter 5!

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Love: Anny  

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