46. Eye for an Eye! (Alec)

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   We are sitting on the four sides of the big table, in the middle of the vast, white, sunlit kitchen. It is covered with a sunflower printed tablecloth and cluttered with food. Numerous types of pastry in large quantities are arranged in pretty platters. I'm sure there's enough to feed the entire village. I'm staring at them fearfully while Rose and Nicol are gazing at me impatiently. It seems I'm expected to try each one of them and express my opinion. There are tomato and brined cheese hand pies, lemon sponge cake, quince jam crumble tart, egg and ham puffs, and the famous chocolate chips muffins with cherry jam. The ladies must have started to bake before sunrise. I feel flattered but worried at the same time that my presence is causing them too much trouble and also that I will literally explode if I oblige them and have a second serving of everything. Oh, and I really, really wish Rose had skipped the muffins this time cause Sam is such a rascal.

   "What do you think about the cake's consistency, honey?" Rose pushes the tray towards me, leaving me no choice but to put another piece on my plate. "Try some more, maybe from the middle! I think the middle is the most tricky part. It can always remain too dry or underdone."  

   I take a sip of my coffee and stuff my mouth with cake, diligently avoiding to look at my ill-behaved boyfriend who is determined to throw me off balance. I am hiding behind the big mug, but I know I can't hold it in front of my bright red, burning face forever. He is utterly impossible. I will even the score once we are alone. Eye for an eye!

   "Yummy!" I exclaim too enthusiastically. "I myself have never been able to prepare it so well. You are absolutely flawless."

   "Thank you, dear!" Rose giggles happily and goes to the fridge to take out more orange juice. Nicol is focused on the paper she's reading. No one is looking at us, so I finally glance at Sam.

   "Stop it!" I hiss and try to kick him in the ankle under the table. He only sneers and goes on with the lecherous performance.

   Oh my! I understand now what he meant when he said that I would feel the full force of his punishment the next day. Sam is a very, very bad boy, and he knows it. I'm doing my best to resist the temptation, but it is impossible to look away. My eyes just won't move.

   He is holding a muffin and methodically lapping up the glaze from the top, smirking at me. I am hypnotized by the movements of his tongue and the way he licks the chocolate from his lips. My ears are burning. He finally reaches the crisp crust and bites right in the middle, pinning his eyes into mine. I wheeze and immediately start pretending to cough. 

   "Are you alright, dear?" Nicol asks and casts a glance at her son, who is chewing innocently. She's not deceived, though, and raises a brow, "Sam, behave!"

   "What?" He's blinking at her. "I'm eating."

   "Hmm," she shakes her head unconvinced. "Rose, could you fetch a glass of water for Alec." 

   "Thanks!" I mutter and drink it all in big gulps. Sam grins and winks at me. I pout. Tease!

   As if it is not enough already, he begins to dig a hole in the muffin with the tip of his tongue. I'm staring at him, faintly pleading with myself to avert my gaze. Luckily, the women are occupied to argue if the puffs should have been baked five more minutes. Sam takes advantage of their diverted attention and dips his tongue in the cavity, fishing out a candied cherry. I gasp. He chuckles. I frown. He doesn't care. I'm hard. He knows it.

   Sam bites the cherry between his teeth and grins widely. I'm begging myself not to watch this, fully aware that it's pointless. My lips part when he squishes it. I swear that I hear the sound of the peel cracking. His mouth fills with sugary juice, and he slurps loudly.

    "What are you doing?" I whisper.

   "Popping the cherry, of course," he purrs and runs his tongue over his upper lip.

   "Aaah..." Both women turn to me. Oh, my God! That was too loud! "Oooh, it's getting so late..." I try to cover up the moan. "It's passing eleven, right? We better get going. I can't wait to see the river and the boat." Oh, dear! I need a bucket of ice to dip my head in it. My face is as hot as an oven. My heart will jump out of my chest. 

   "Don't worry, honey," Nicol smiles sweetly. "You have plenty of time. Catch your breath. I and Rose will go to pick the fresh eggs."

   "But I already did it and wanted to ask Alec about...," Rose tries to protest.

   "Now, dear!" Nicol pushes her to the door nonchalantly. "I need to discuss something with you immediately."

   "You are shameless," I jump and dig my finger in Sam's chest the moment they leave the room. "Stop laughing!"

   "I... Hahaha... I'm sorry!" he keeps snorting. "You should have seen your face! Peppercorn, don't be mad! You're so cute. Admit that you've been asking for a punishment for quite some time. Hahaha!"

   I flop on his lap and grumble spitefully, "I'll make you pay for that."

  "I can't wait, captain!" he grins and glues his lips to mine.


Photo by Küflü Çıkın from Pexels


Hello, at the end of chapter 46!

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Sam finally got some revenge for being constantly challenged by his Peppercorn.

Do you think it was too much? 😀

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Love: Anny  

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