64. That's Exactly Why (Alec)

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   "Alec! Let's talk it over first, ok? Why would you do that?... Wait! I don't actually know what you're planning to do... Alec!... Slow down!...For God's sake! Would you stop for a second!"

   I freeze dead in my tracks halfway to the stage, turn abruptly, and squint at Sam, who nearly bumps into me. He looks startled, seeing my stormy expression. His mouth hangs open in hesitation weather to go on.

   "I stopped," I hiss. "Now, say what you've got to say 'cause I have work to do and ain't got no time to listen to your preaching."

   "Please," he grips my wrist. "Let's go home... Fuck!... Why do I have the feeling that whatever I say, it will only make things worse?... I don't want you to strip. I don't want you to take part in Victor's stupid games. Why can't we just go home and cuddle until you sober up enough for me to give that gorgeous ass some good spanking?"

   "Cause I have a point to prove," I put my palm on his cheek and smile. My poor Teddy Bear. I was too harsh on him while he only wanted to protect me from my own destructive nature. Time to cool him off a bit. "I'm not that drunk, Sam, just a little, to make me feel braver. Don't be so worried. I'm not out of my mind. Not gonna take my clothes off."

   Relief washes over his face. He tries to joke, "Good, or else I'll have to beat up anyone who catches a glimpse of you. That sexy body is for my eyes only."

   "Silly," I giggle. "I know what you're trying to save me from and that's exactly why I love you so much... well, besides the Lord of The Rings, and Mr. Pretty Snake, and the hummingbird, and the pecs, and the abs, and... "

   "Alright, alright, I got the picture." Sam starts laughing and pulls me for a quick, sweet kiss. His face becomes serious again and he looks me in the eye. "I love you too, Peppercorn. Only you. Unconditionally. You don't have to prove no point, not to Victor and certainly not to me."

   "I know." I stare back into Sam's eyes, green like emeralds, even in the dim light of the bar. 

   God, how I love him!

   He thinks I am drunk, and jealous, and stupid. I can't argue with him about any of those. Should I try to make him understand that this is not about Victor at all? It is not about Sam either. I haven't doubted him, not for a single second. He doesn't deserve it. He has always been perfect, even when he drives me crazy with his teasing. I doubt only myself, and desperately want to stop. 

   Didn't I do enough foolish antics out of insecurity? Isn't it enough? Maybe, I still need one more.

   I am great the way I am. I have nothing to be ashamed of. I have nothing to fear anymore. That's what I want to confirm. I crave to finally truly believe that I am perfect for him, just the way Sam is genuinely convinced of it. 

   "Babe, you'll have to let me go through with this," I say firmly, squeezing his hands. "There is only one person I need to prove my point to, and that person is me."

   "Give your best then," he nods. "You'll always be my number one. And don't forget that I'll be right here loving you."

   "You better also scream my name at the top of your lungs and clap till your hands start hurting," I grumble.

   "You can count on that, Peppercorn." Sam slaps my butt so hard that it gives me all the velocity I need to pop up on the stage, right between Victor and Scarlet.

   "Ohhh, look who's here," he instantly smirks. "You surely have the balls. Can't be denied. You know what? I'm really starting to like you, Alec. Turns out you're not the little brat I thought at first. I admire people who stand their ground even when they see there is no chance to win."

   I give him the middle finger without sparing a glance at him. 

   The equal amounts of the following cheers and boos clearly shows that the rough-and-tumble rivalry appeals to the crowd. It seems the audience is divided into two camps and each of us has a team of zealous supporters. None of them would give up on their favorite. In order to secure victory, I will have to attract that small group of people who are still wavering and have not taken sides yet.

   My plan is bold. I would actually say it's absolutely reckless and a bit of a wild card. It can lead either to glory or total downfall. Extreme situations call for a last resort. I hope all will be fine. I just have to be careful.

   The girls are hyper excited. So am I. Scarlet grabs the microphone, "Time for the final showdown. Are you readyyy? Our boys are evenly matched so far."

   "Yeah! We have no clue who will prevail," Purple adds. "They are both winners, if you ask me. Let me hear some noise for Aleeec and Victooor! We love theeem!"

   The club is in an uproar again. It takes more than ten minutes before the crowd cools down enough for the girls to say another word. 

   "This time it's up to you, guys," Scarlet announces, waving a black fedora hat at the ecstatic audience. "You choose the song. Write it on a paper and put it right here. Blondie will pick one with her eyes covered."

   Purple is fastening a black scarf around her head while people are approaching with their suggestions. The hat is overflowing in seconds. I hope the song turns out suitable for what I have in mind. I hold my breath while she is reaching out and digging through the folded pieces of paper. One is finally picked. Scarlet grabs it and, after peeking at it, squeals excitedly.

   "Oh, my Goood!" she screams. "Couldn't be better."

   "Let me see, girl," Purple glues to her side, throwing the scarf on the floor. "Whoa! Let's do it together."

   They hold hands, lean into the microphone and yell, "BLOW"* 

   *BLOW -  collaboration rock song, vocals Ed Sheeran, Chris Stapleton and Bruno Mars

   I grin from ear to ear. Perfect! Exactly what I needed.


Photo by Voyagerix from istockphoto.com


Hello at the end of chapter 64!

Thank you for your patience and all the support for this story! ❤❤❤

You are amazing!

A little cliffhanger again 😀

What do you think Alec is planning? 

Those who have read Full Exclusive Rights and 'visited' the Free Zone club for the second time will probably guess.

There's a detail about the club I still haven't mentioned and it's the key one for the next chapter. 

You'll find out soon. 😉

Share your thoughts, ask questions, and criticize if you think it's necessary.

And don't forget to vote if you liked the story.

Love: Anny 

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