22. Optimus Prime (Sam)

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   "Wow! What is this?" Alec's eyes widen in delight.

   "What do you mean? It's a car, my car." I grin, full of pride. Who would not want to impress his cute boyfriend with a high-tech vehicle? "You didn't expect us to travel one hundred kilometers on a scooter, did you?"

   "Are you sure it's not a Transformer? I think it might turn into an alien robot when we get in." He giggles, sliding his palm over the shiny, red surface of the hood.

   "This is not Bumblebee, if that's what you're hoping for. Sorry!" I start laughing. He does not care about the car. The boy just likes the color. I still can not resist bragging. "But it is powerful indeed, three hundred combined horsepower, hybrid battery and really quick and agile..."

   "Bumblebee is yellow, silly. What is the model?" Alec interrupts me, without having heard a single one of my words in praise of my favorite baby, from before I met him, of course. He is circling around the car, touching curiously the headlights or the outside mirrors.

   "RAV4 Prime," I proudly answer. "Do you like it?"

   "I knew it!" He giggles louder. "Hello, Optimus!"

   "Toyota," I correct him, pinning his back to the passenger's front door, ready to kiss the hell out of his lips.

   "Hmm!" He wrinkles his nose in deep thought. "I don't remember that one. Are you sure? Wasn't he green?"

   "Oh, my God! Did you go to a school where they taught you how to be so damn cute?" I coo at his peachy cheeks, which are quickly turning dark pink. "It's the brand of the car, not another robot."

   "Not everyone is supposed to be obsessed with cars," he rolls his eyes.

   I grin from ear to ear. To be honest, I have been waiting impatiently for this moment. "That's it, Peppercorn! I warned you about the eye rolling. You've been asking for this punishment for too long!"

   Alec immediately squirms out of my hands and points a finger at me from the other side of the car, "Behave! I'll still live here when we come back. Don't you dare messing around for all my neighbors to see."

   "Alright, I promise! I only want a tiny kiss. We'll speak about your constant, disrespectful behavior when we get to the village," I agree generously, stepping slowly towards him. My Peppercorn can not be easily deceived. He is stepping back, keeping the distance between us. I am baiting him, "Come on, babe! I'll postpone your punishment for later this evening if you kiss me on the lips just once."

   "No!" He shakes his head. "I don't trust you. You are planning something, and I'm not letting you get a hold of me."

   "Ok, I'll spank you here, in front of all your neighbors to see then," I state with determination and dash towards him.

   He screams shrilly and throws himself in the car, immediately locking all the doors from the inside. I plaster my face on the window and start kissing the glass. He rolls his eyes again, and this time, I am absolutely sure it is on purpose.

   "I'm sorry, angel," I plead. "Let me in. I promised mom that we'll be there for lunch. She will be so disappointed if we are late and her iconic cabbage rolls get cold. The apple strudel is best when freshly baked too. I'm sure she's been cooking the whole morning."

   I am so cunning that it makes me proud. These are the two things Alec can never resists, food and making a good impression. He purses his lips and unlocks the doors.

   "Do you think Rose told her about me and what I said?" he mumbles when I get in the driver's seat.

   "Of course she did," I assure him as a little revenge. "She also described you in great detail, told her about your job, and made a full psychological analysis of your personality."

   "Oh, dear!" Alec palms his face. "Your mom probably already hates me. She thinks I'm a shameless, drinking sex addict."

   "I bet she does," I confirm with the most serious expression I am capable of. His startled, desperate look is priceless.

   "Maybe we should cancel," he shakily suggests. "I'll die of embarrassment."

   "Too late. They are waiting for us. It would be rude not to show up." I smirk and start the car.

   "Sam, no!" Alec squeezes my thigh. His face is turning paler. "I want to get out. I changed my mind." He covers his mouth with his hand. "I feel nauseous. You don't want me to puke all over Optimus, do you?" 

   I am a total idiot. I just could not resist teasing him again, although I knew very well how easily he got all strung out. I immediately wrap my arms around him and start kissing his hair.

   "Peppercorn, you are the last person on Earth to be suspected of all those things. Look at you! You're too innocent and sweet." I soothingly rub circles on his back. "I am so sorry, babe! I don't deserve you. You are so perfect. My mother will surely be charmed and won't be able to comprehend how the hell I managed to lure you into a relationship. "

   "You didn't," he mumbles in the crook of my neck. "I crashed at your house, took your money, and fell in love with you without even asking for permission."

   "You did what?" I instantly crack a broad smile.

   "Came uninvited to..." he starts, but I interrupt him.

   "Not this one, Peppercorn!" Did he even notice what slipped out of his mouth?

   "Took your money?" he repeats hesitantly.

   "Are you doing this on purpose?" I growl.

   "Yes!" Alec triumphantly chuckles. "I love you, Sam!"


Photo by Andreas Wohlfahrt from Pexels

Photo by Sourav Mishra from Pexels


Hello, at the end of chapter 22!

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Love: Anny

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