15. A little Distraction (Sam)

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   [xxx - mature content warning]

   We are finally seated at the table, facing each other. A friend of mine, who also happens to be the owner of the Ferris wheel, is playing the waiter, winking at me the entire time. He pours two glasses of champagne and serves the pasta, wishing us to have fun. The cabin door is secured after a short brief about the safety rules. We slowly start to move upwards.

   "For my sweet Peppercorn!" I raise my glass. Alec smiles. His hand is visibly shaking. I try to give him some courage. "Babe, it is going to be fine. I promise. We are perfectly safe." 

   "I know. It's just an instinctive physical reaction," he mutters, clutching his hands on his lap after guzzling the whole content of the glass.

   "I think you should be careful with the drinks," I softly warn him. I am now aware that this is probably the third time in his life that he has tasted alcohol. I am also sure that he will not take this fact under consideration due to his nervousness.

   "I know," he repeats, rolling his eyes. "I don't intend to drink myself unconscious this time."

   "Don't you want to hold my hand instead of your own?" I smirk, offering it to him. He immediately grabs it and squeezes so tight that I hiss. "Don't break my bones, babe."

   "Sorry!" he says, but does not ease the grip.

   "Look at this amazing view." I point to the glass walls, hoping that this will capture his attention and make him relax.

   We have almost reached the highest point. It is already dark. The whole park is spread below us, shimmering in multicolored illumination. The fair's shining billboards, the street lights, and the stream of cars on the nearby boulevard blend into a sea of glimmer. Soft, romantic music is playing in the cabin. Alec is gazing through the transparent walls, squeezing my hand harder and harder. The wheel stops when we reach the top.

   "Oh, my God! Oh, my God! We stopped!" he shrieks. "Do you think there's something wrong? Is it possible that it broke? What if there's a problem with the power? Are we going to spend the night up here?"

   "Alec, calm down! We stopped on purpose. I just wanted us to have dinner, admiring the view."

   "No, no, no!" he yells. "I'd rather we move. Staying in one place gives me the feeling that we are hanging in the air."

   "But it is exactly what we are doing." I chuckle. "If you feel so nervous, I'll call my friend and we can just have dinner on the ground. What do you think?"

   "Fuck! It's windy. We are swinging. Fuck!" Alec screeches, grabbing my other hand across the table.

   "I think we should get down," I state firmly. "Could you just release one of my hands for a second, please, so that I can make the call?"

   "No!" Alec protests. "You have put so much effort in this. I am not ruining your surprise. I'll be fine. I only need some time to get used to it."

   "Babe, you don't need to force yourself," I insist.

   "No! Don't worry! I can do it." Alec's voice is full of determination but also a little panicky. "It will work. I swear."

   A strong gust of wind noticeably shakes the cabin. Alec screams shrilly and the next second is on my lap, straddling my thighs, with his face buried in my neck.

   "Is it better now?" I sigh. He energetically nods and scoots closer, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

   "Much better," he utters under his breath. "But I need a distraction until we are back down."

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