61. Cream (Alec)

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   "Peppercorn, no!" Sam hisses, trying unsuccessfully to make me lower my hand. Apparently, the more alcohol, the more unwavering the determination. He also seems quite resolved to stop me, though. "This is crazy. You have nothing to prove. Why are you giving in to every provocation?"

   I stare defiantly into his wide, worried eyes and stammer, "And why n-not? Do you think I'm not h-hot enough? You think I'm not as s-sexy as Victor, don't you?"

   "These questions are highly manipulative and totally unfair," Sam bellows. "Have I ever deserved in any possible way these stupid accusations? You are jealous. It is completely unfounded and gets the best of you. How do you want me to prove I'm crazy about you? By beating someone up? Or, maybe, by happily sitting here and watching you make a fool of yourself?"

   The last sentence stings badly. The pain and anger quickly sober me up. I dig a finger into his chest and shout, "Is this a quarrel? How wonderful! We've only been dating for a month, and we're already fighting. So, it doesn't cross your mind, even for a second that I might be actually good at dancing. What if I do great? Seems impossible, huh?"

   "Babe, I didn't mean..." Sam tries to interrupt me with a guilty look on his face, but I don't give him the opportunity.

   "What about some encouragement for your boyfriend?" I step back to avoid his attempt to pull me in a hug and go on, imitating his voice. "Alec, you'll be awesome... Go, Peppercorn! Woohoo!... Is it so hard to say it?"

   "Alec, please. I used the wrong words. Of course, I think you'll be great up there. I'm just concerned because you're always so worried about your... " Sam reaches out to hold my hand, but I frown at him and take another step back.

   "You're concerned?" I laugh out. "About what? Are you afraid that by any chance, I might very well kick your precious Victor's ass?"

   "I don't care about him," Sam mumbles. "I care about you. What if accidentally your shir..."

   I don't hear the rest because the noise around us starts amplifying by the second when Scarlet  pulls me by the hand towards the stage while Purple is yelling on the microphone. "Yayyy! Good job, Alec! Our angel is bo-o-old. Come here, Honey Boo. Buckle up, guys! This will be crème de la crème (the very best)."

   "He is not French," I mutter, climbing up the few stairs to join her and Victor.

   I look around the hall. The audience is ecstatic. I see that Scarlet has stayed behind, and Sam is talking insistently in her ear. He smiles widely the moment our eyes meet and starts clapping enthusiastically with arms, raised high above his head. Sunny and the Dark Sun members have joined the group at our table in the meantime, and everyone is doing the same. I wave, grinning at them, but my heart rate is quickening. Was this a good idea after all? I would have never done such a thing without the solid amount of vodka, coursing through my bloodstream.

   "Do it, Aleeec!" I hear Sam, screaming at the top of his lungs. "You are the best! I love you, babe!" He puts his fingers in his mouth and sharply whistles, outvoicing the uproar.

   I am still angry, but his voice is like a soothing balm for my tense nerves. He is always the best cure for my lack of confidence. Luckily, I don't have stage fright. But it doesn't mean I am not getting cold creeps all over either. I am not completely out of my mind, although I am quite sure it's exactly what he thinks. What Sam doesn't know is that his boyfriend, my humble self, is a pretty good dancer. I hate to work out in public gyms, so I found a way to avoid them and have fun at the same time by becoming 'Just Dance' biggest fan. I have the rhythm game full series since it was first released in 2009. Danny says I should start making my own dance videos, like those the other gamers post on YouTube because, according to him, I'm almost a pro.

   This here is still kind of scary. I've never danced in front of an audience if we don't count Daniel and his wife. Ugh, maybe I should quit. I am not drunk enough to do it. I don't like the way Victor is smirking at me. I have nothing to prove, right?

   "Peppercorn," Sam waves to attract my attention a second before I give up. "Have fun, babe. You got this!"

   Victor pouts, and it's perfectly enough to give me a surge of energy and self-confidence. The only thing I have to do is just dance, after all, a piece of cake.

   "Here are the rules," Scarlet announces. "I am team Alec and blondie is team Vic. Each of us will choose a song for the opposing contestant, and the third one is up to you. We will also be joining to support the boys. Three songs! Burning passion! Don't forget, WE-E-E A-A-ARE LOOKING FOR THE HOTTE-E-EST MO-O-OVES!"

   The house erupts in deafening cheers.

   "Are you ready, Honey Boo?" Purple wraps an arm around my waist. "I choose something really special for you cause that's exactly what you are, sweet and yummy, and you make someone totally whipped." She winks at Sam, who gives her the thumb up. "Get on top, baby! 'Cream' by Prince. Show us what you got!"


Photo by CP-Ph from istockphoto.com


Hello, at the end of chapter 61!

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Alec is always full of surprises, isn't he? 😂

Are you ready for some sexy moves? 

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Love: Anny 

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