24. My partner

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Hello my lovely readers! So, I know you guys low-key wanted Luke to save Elise. Trust me, I did too but that wouldn't benefit the plot. So I decided on this instead.

Hope it soothes your disappointment!

24. My partner

✧ Luke ✧

The moment my eyes open, I feel the overwhelming pain in my head, as if its about to explode into bits.

The effect of the wolfsbane dose I took last night before sleeping wears off and my senses return again. The fire has died down, leaving a pile of embers and ash. My eyes go across our camp site, searching.

I take a sniff of the air, her scent is too faint. The next moment, I’m on my feet walking towards the tree she was standing against.

I notice a piece of paper struck to it with a knife. I tug it off and unfold it.

If you want your little whore back, come by the waterfall. Take your sweet time. We’ll be sure to take ours with her.

I stare at the note, mind and face equally blank. The scent of it is vaguely familiar. Woodsmen.

A low growl escapes my throat as my hand curls in a fist, crumpling the note. The pain in my head recedes as white hot rage consumes my mind. No, he wouldn’t dare touch her.

His infuriating grinning face from our time in the lodge flashes in my head, making my finger elongate.

Adrian Woodsmen is going to regret ever thinking about taking her from under my nose.

The sound of the waterfall reaches me way before I see it, deafeningly loud to my hyperactive senses. I catch a whiff of her scent— like gardenia flowers and rain and I start towards it.

When I see the waterfall, my eyes quickly scan the place. Her scent is strong but she’s not here. My lips curl in a snarl and a growl claws at my throat.

Then I catch two other scents along with the coppery tang of blood.

In a moment of hot rage and instinct, I almost think of going straight out there but then stop. Damn it, Winters. Get your mind together. You think it’ll be so easy?

I alter my course, swiftly going through the trees so I have a view of the clearing from a far. Is see two men near a hole, a net nearby.

“When I get my hands on that bitch,” Woodsmen is seething with anger “I’m going to snap her pretty little neck in two.”

Without thinking, without caring my hands find their way towards the guns and two loud bangs! echo above the sound of the waterfall.

Woodsmen crumples to the ground with a scream, clutching his side, his beta holding his own bleeding arm.

My feet move forward, I feel my lips pull in a snarl as I see Woodsmen’s face. The next moment, my hands are at his shirt front, holding him up the ground.

“Where is she?” My voice reverberates with a growl

“Winters,” his brown eyes dart in every direction “She was just here, I swear—

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